Chapter 2

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???'s POV

My father looks very different now. He looks like a teenager now. But I do have to say, he looks cute now. "Dad, why do you look like this?" I asked. "Well I'm in the body of Sky. He's strength will help me take over Minecraftia." He answered. I nodded. "Can you check on the newest prisoner? She's kinda too fearful right now. Don't be surprised on how she looks though. I tested on her four times. The fourth kinda didn't work out." He said.

I nodded again and headed to the dungeons. I walked to the closest one and looked inside. A girl about age of sixteen sat there. She had brown hair with orange spots, giant ocelot green eyes, behind her hair you can see bat ears, blue jacket, pink shirt, jeans, and rainbow tennis shoes. "What do you want?" She asked. She apparently was not happy. "My father wanted me to check on you. What's your name?" I asked. "Glory." She answered. "Yours?" She asked back. "Unbreonbrine." I told her. 'Actually my name is Midnight.' Midnight said. 'Be quiet in there. You have no control over your body anymore.' I said back. She went quiet. "Well I'll go tell my dad your okay."

Glory's POV

After she left I started searching for an exit. My magic was unable to break the wall or the bars. Turning into a bat and squeezing between the bars didn't work either. I guess today isn't going to be my escape day.

Jerome's POV

I know everyone is worried about Sky. I guess we're all just waiting. It's been a week since Ty had his dream.

I sat outside watching the Sky. "Jerome! Help!" I heard someone yell.

I ran towards where I heard the scream. Sky was on the ground holding his stomach. "Jerome, I've been stabbed in the stomach." He chocked.

I helped him up and leaned him on my shoulder and headed to the castle.

I got him into the hospital wing and put him on a bed. "Husky! Husky!" I called. Husky ran into the room and came over to us. "Sky!" He said. He looked at the huge red spot on his stomach. He grabbed some drugs off of a table and stitches. He put the drugs on to Sky's stomach then held a rag against the wound. "Hold this down while I get the stitches ready. "Okay." I held down the rag and waited for Husky to finish. "Okay, you can stop now." He told me. I stepped back so he could reach Sky. He took the now bloody rag off of Sky started putting stitches on his wound. After he was done he cut off the end of the stitches then put a big bandage over top of the stitches. "You should rest Sky. That's a big wound. And only somethings can be healed with sleep." Husky said. Sky nodded and closed is eyes.

I left and went to the meeting room. "All of team crafted to the meeting room. I repeat all of team crafted to the meeting room." I said into the microphone. Everyone arrived and sat down. "What's up now?" Mitch asked. "Sky is back!" I announced. "Sky is back?" Ty asked. "Yes he is back. He's in the hospital wing right now." Husky said. "That's not Sky." Seto said. "Of course it is. All flesh and blood." I said. "Usually I wouldn't agree with Seto, but today he's right. That's not Sky." Ty said. The meeting quickly came to an end when we heard the beating of wings outside the window. Then the sound of glass breaking.

Mitch's POV

I quickly got out of my seat when the windows broke. An ender dragon hybrid was now standing in the room. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Oh, I'm Enders. Son of the enderdragon." He said. He had green dyed hair, flaming purple eyes, neon green jacket, jeans, and bright purple tennis shoes. "My best friend was just kidnapped by Herobrine. Who knows what he could be doing to her." He said. He was clearly worried about who ever he was talking about. "Did you have to break through the window?" Ty asked. "Yes." Enders said. "So will you help me?" He asked. "Yes." Seto said.

Ty, Seto, Jerome, Enders, and me headed to the Nether portal. We all jumped in and headed to Herobrines castle.

"I hate this place." Jerome said as we arrived at the castle. We walked in and started sneaking towards the dungeons. "Enders you know what she looks like. You look in the cells." I said. He nodded and immediately he found the cell. "Glory, are you okay? Where getting you out of here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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