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as you hear the doorbell ring repeatedly, you jump up in excitement to open the door. flinging the door wide open, you see wonwoo standing in front of you. upon seeing you, he bends down to kiss your forehead as you jump into his embrace. welcoming him warmly, he is surprised when he realised that you had already prepared everything for your movie and games night with him. as the two of you get comfy on the couch, he swings his arms around you shoulder, as you shift nearer him.as you lay on his shoulders, you can feel his cheeks turning red. smirking, you suddenly look up at him and lay a short kiss on his lips. seeing him turn a bright flashy red, you chuckle and ask, "aww, am i too good looking for you?" 

"of course y/n." he replies shockingly fast, leaving you red in embarrassment. clearing your throat, you start to switch on your nintendo switch controllers. excitedly, the both of you start to  play one the many mario kart games. knowing wonwoo was just too good, you decided to approach another tactic to win and beat him for once, which was to simply look at his screen and sabotage him the whole time. as you got ready for the first game, you look at him deep in the eye and proudly say "wonwoo, i'm going to beat you today!" smiling, he can only nod, diverting back his gaze to his screen. really? no reaction? no words? grumbling, you turned to your screen as the game started. it went off really well for you as you zoomed past other people. soon, you found yourself being in second...but obviously, wonwoo was always just one step ahead.

"i won!" wonwoo raised his fists triumphantly in the air as you sigh. you stood no chance against him. hugging him, you say cheekily, "wonwoo, so much for my grandiose dream, am i right?" bonking you gently on the head, he smirked, "y/n..."

"yes?" you ask sweetly, kissing him on the cheek to make him flustered again. once again, it works. getting back to the game, you notice his gaze on you as your heart beats really fast. looking up, you ask, "wonwoo, why are you looking at me so seriously like that?" not hearing a reply, you shrug your shoulders and continue playing. however, a moment later, his calm voice fills the silence again, "y/n...do you actually get upset that i always win? honestly?" perplexed at his tedious question, you think for a moment, and answer truthfully, "wonwoo? i really don't mind losing...one, it's what you're good at and i don't want to take that away from you. two, as long as i get to hang out with you, i'm more than happy." finishing your sentence, you kiss him on the lips as he holds your waist. 

"i see....well, should i use this more often as an excuse to come over?" he asks, an expression you couldn't express on his face. genuinely confused on what he was saying, you blankly respond, "huh?"

"nevermind, i take it simply that you're willing if i come over more often right?" he explains slower, which his point finally clicks in your mind. "of course! i'm bored at home, but with you around, i can feel joy i don't feel with anyone else." answering brightly, you shoot him a gummy smile as he returns it.

"well...is there anything else you feel with only me and not with anyone else?" slowly, he says, as if he is anticipating a specific response. to his disappointment, you stare at him with a blank expression.

"never mind, as long as you love me, it's okay." shaking his head, he says as you feel your cheeks burn slightly pinkish red for that awkward moment. playing some more, you can't seem to get his words off your mind-what exactly did he mean? as time passed by in a flash, his words finally seem to dawn on you as you smack your forehead, unaware he can see you do that.

"y/n, are you okay?" worried, he asks, lifting your hand out of your face.

"no, no, everything is fine. i just found the meaning to your question and my answer too..." you reply, as a tingling sensation vibrates throughout your body.

"soooo, what is it?" he asks eagerly as you don't even respond and just pull him in a for a long, beautiful and ever lasting kiss.

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