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the next morning, you are awoken by the continuous ringing of your phone. groaning, you opened your eyes as a sudden ache captures hold of your body, making you slump back down. what is happening? you thought as you turned to face the bedside table and picked up your phone. checking the time, you realise that you still have work. sighing, a sudden blast of cold air enters your lungs as you cough a little too loudly. covering your mouth, you tried to sit up but your body didn't let you. feeling beads of perspiration form, you hesitantly touch your forehead and sure enough, you had a spiking fever. shit, how did a cold become into such a high fever? you knew you couldn't let f/n see you in this state or she would command you to rest as you groaned again. slowly, you wobble out of your bed, coughing all the way. stumbling to the toilet to wash up, you thought to yourself-i need to talk to seungkwan... in the toilet, you splashed water on your face, trying to cool you down and make you look refreshed. tying up your hair into a lazy bun, you look at your phone. should i call him? or should i text him? should i invite him here to talk it out? or will he...or is he still mad at me? a bunch of thoughts pierced into your mind, making it throb harder than it already was.

"great, now i have a headache." sighing, you mumbled and went down for breakfast. seeing f/n cooking breakfast, you plastered a fake smile on your face and greeted her, "good morning unnie! what are you cooking?"

"bacon and egg with cheese toast. i've made the eggs and the toast, help yourself!" she replied, not looking at you as she was focused on the bacon. nodding, you head to the dining table and quietly start tucking in on your breakfast. f/n noticed that you were awfully silent, and nudged your shoulder, "y/n...are you okay? your eyes are swollen, did you cry last night?" shaking your head, you smiled slightly at her, "it's fine unnie, i'm fine."

as you finished eating, you decided to head up for a nice warm shower before leaving for work. your legs practically were trembling as you held onto the railings for support. f*ck, how am i suppose to go to work like this? facepalming yourself, you hear f/n's voice calling you. turning your head around, you nearly slip down the stairs as she rushes to support you. "Y/n? are you okay? you don't look good..." touching your forehead, she sent you straight up to your room to rest. "unnie, it's just a small cold...let me have a shower and I'll be fine, don't worry." she frowned, "y/n, you're burning up! go get a nice shower and no work for you today, go get some sleep, I'll prepare some soup and medicine for you. with literally no other option, you thank her and go to the toilet to have a shower. sneezing multiple times along the way, you silently curse yourself for running away. now you were sick, couldn't go to work, and worst of all, had your boyfriend mad at you.

entering your room, you felt so relieved to be in the fully air conditioned room as you jumped into your bed right away. f/n had placed your medicine and you could hear her cooking some soup for you. smiling, you ate the medicine and you stretched your hands and yawned while looking at your phone. seeing nothing from seungkwan, a tinge of disappointment filled you. he was still f*cking mad I guess, you thought as you started to watch kdramas in bed. soon, your eyes feel drowsy and your head is about to touch the pillow when f/n's voice wakes you up in a jolt. "y/n ah, come down to have your lunch!" "okay..." you croaked in a hoarse voice as you head down the stairs.

gripping onto the stairs handrails, your legs are shivering as you realise your fever hasn't gone down. geez, that's something else I gotta be worried about, you thought as you made a promise to visit a doctor later, if you remembered anyway. however just three steps to the lower floor, your left foot lost its footing and slipped, causing you to tumble down. f*ck you cursed in your head as you lost your balance.

"Y/N!" two voices screamed. wait...two? just as your head was about to hit the floor, a pair of hands grasped you and held you by the waist tightly. confused on why there was a male voice apart from f/n unnie's voice, you look up while removing the male's embrace on you.

"f*ck." you mumble, looking away from his gaze.


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