Chapter 5

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The night air was crisp on the rooftop of the 1st Division Defense Force headquarters. The soft hum of the city below seemed distant, almost forgotten, as Miguel Ashiro leaned against the railing, his eyes fixed on the stars above. It had been a long day, and despite the exhaustion settling into his bones, his mind was restless.

Beside him, Eiji Hasegawa, the former vice-captain of Division 1, stood quietly, sipping from a thermos. The two had been up there for a while, exchanging casual conversation about missions, tactics, and life in the Defense Force. But the question that had been weighing on Miguel’s mind all evening had yet to surface.

The wind tugged at his jacket, and for a moment, Miguel hesitated, unsure if he should even bring it up. Hasegawa had always been calm and composed, a veteran in the Defense Force who carried his experience with grace. There was no sign of resentment or bitterness in the way he treated Miguel, even after stepping down from his position.

But still, the doubt lingered.

Taking a deep breath, Miguel finally broke the silence. “Hasegawa-san, can I ask you something?”

The older man glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. “Of course, Ashiro. What’s on your mind?”

Miguel shifted uncomfortably, his hand running through his hair as he tried to find the right words. “I’ve been meaning to ask for a while now… about the vice-captain position. You were in that role for years, and then, well… it was given to me.” He paused, glancing at Hasegawa to gauge his reaction. “Do you… do you mind? That I took over?”

Hasegawa was silent for a moment, his gaze thoughtful as he stared out over the city. He didn’t seem surprised by the question, as if he had been expecting it sooner or later. Taking another sip from his thermos, he let out a soft chuckle.

“Do I mind?” he repeated, his voice calm. “No, Miguel. I don’t mind at all.”

Miguel frowned slightly, unsure if Hasegawa was just being polite. “Are you sure? I mean, you were the vice-captain under Narumi for a long time. I feel like I just… stepped into your shoes without earning it.”

Hasegawa shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Listen, Miguel. I wasn’t pushed out of the role. I stepped down because I wanted to, not because anyone forced me to. It was time for someone younger, someone with fresh energy and drive, to take on the responsibilities that come with being vice-captain. And you, well… you were the right choice.”

Miguel crossed his arms, still unconvinced. “But don’t you ever feel like you should still be in the position? You’ve been in the Defense Force way longer than I have. You’ve seen more battles, led more missions. I’m still learning. Doesn’t it feel strange to have someone like me, with less experience, filling that role?”

Hasegawa chuckled again, his eyes softening as he regarded the younger man. “Miguel, experience isn’t everything. Sure, I’ve been around longer, but that doesn’t mean I’m better suited for the job. You’ve got something I don’t.”

Miguel’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

Hasegawa turned to face him fully, leaning against the railing. “You’ve got a fire in you, kid. A drive to prove yourself. You remind me of Narumi when he was younger, back when he first became captain. That kind of determination can’t be taught. It’s something you either have, or you don’t.”

Miguel stared at Hasegawa, surprised by the comparison. “You think I’m like Captain Narumi?”

“In some ways, yeah,” Hasegawa said with a nod. “You’ve got a lot to learn, sure. But you’ve also got the potential to lead in ways that I couldn’t. That’s why Narumi chose you as vice-captain. He sees that potential in you, and so do I.”

Miguel looked down, processing Hasegawa’s words. He had always admired Narumi’s leadership, his ability to command respect and trust from his subordinates. Hearing that Hasegawa, someone who had worked alongside Narumi for so long, thought he had similar qualities was… unexpected.

“But what about you?” Miguel asked after a moment. “What’s next for you, Hasegawa-san? You’re still in the Division, right?”

Hasegawa nodded. “Yeah, I’m still around. I’m not going anywhere just yet. I’ll be supporting the team in other ways—training new recruits, handling logistics, that sort of thing. But the frontline work, the day-to-day grind of being vice-captain… I’ve done my time.”

He paused, his gaze turning distant as if recalling memories from years of battle. “Don’t get me wrong. I loved my time as vice-captain, and I learned a lot. But there comes a point where you realize it’s time to step aside and let the next generation take over. You’re that next generation, Miguel.”

The words hung in the air, heavy with meaning. Miguel had never thought of it like that—of being the next step in the evolution of Division 1’s leadership. He had always felt like he was still chasing something, still trying to prove himself worthy. But maybe, just maybe, he was already on the path to becoming the leader he aspired to be.

Hasegawa’s smile widened as he clapped a hand on Miguel’s shoulder. “You’re doing fine, Miguel. Don’t let self-doubt get in your way. You’ll grow into the role, just like I did. And if you ever need advice, you know where to find me.”

Miguel nodded, a weight lifting from his chest. “Thanks, Hasegawa-san. I appreciate that.”

They stood there in comfortable silence for a while longer, watching the city lights flicker in the distance. Miguel felt a sense of clarity he hadn’t experienced in a long time. For all his worries and insecurities, the people around him—Narumi, Hasegawa—believed in him. They saw something in him that he had struggled to see in himself.

As the wind picked up, Hasegawa glanced at his watch and sighed. “Well, I should probably get going. Early start tomorrow. Don’t stay out here too long, alright? You’ll need your rest.”

Miguel smirked, nodding. “Got it. Goodnight, Hasegawa-san.”

“Goodnight, vice-captain,” Hasegawa said with a wink before heading toward the rooftop door, leaving Miguel alone once more.

Miguel stayed by the railing for a while longer, his thoughts drifting. He still had a long way to go before he could truly feel comfortable in his role, but tonight’s conversation had given him a new perspective. He wasn’t replacing Hasegawa—he was continuing the legacy in his own way.

And with that realization, the pressure he had been carrying since taking on the vice-captain position began to ease. He wasn’t alone in this. He had Narumi, he had Hasegawa, and, most importantly, he had himself.

The stars twinkled above him, and for the first time in a long while, Miguel allowed himself to smile.

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