twenty-one. Ripplepaw

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The FallClan cliffs were staggeringly huge. Giant mounds of rock jutted out over the ledge, leading to a long, fatal drop to the beach. Or they could just take the steps, which were carved into the stone by twolegs a long time ago. Ripplepaw and Swift bounded eagerly down them together, tails flicking in sync as she ran to greet Willowpaw.

'Willowpaw!' She called, purring.

'Willowpaw? Who's that? I dunno a Willowpaw.' The she-cat cocked her head to the side.

'You mean? Oh, congratulations!' Ripplepaw purred, as she spun her tail around her friend's. 'So that means-'

'That I'm the first blind cat to ever become a warrior, like ever? Yeah!'

'Oh, meet Swift.' She introduced the two cats. 'Swift, this is- well, I suppose it's not Willowpaw anymore.'

'I'm Willowclaw.' She said proudly, her head in the air. 'Nice ta meet you, Swift.'

'Hey.' He said warmly.

'My brother's Oaktail, but who cares about him? Come on, let's go swimmin'!'

Ripplepaw yowled in agreement, urging Swift to follow them as they ran for the ocean.

'I thought you said there's no water?' Swift asked.

'There's water in the sea, silly!' Willowclaw said back. She lept into the water eagerly as a fish. Ripplepaw would've followed her straight in, but she waited for Swift.

'Um. In there?' He asked.

'Sure, why not?'

He shrugged, before stepping in. 'It's cold!' He squealed.

'That's the best part!' Ripplepaw jumped in herself. The cold, salty water sunk into her fur. It was a nice break from the heat, and she let the water wash over her, feeling weightless as she paddled around. It took Swift some time to get used to it, but once he did, he seemed to enjoy it- a lot.

'This is so much nicer than a bath,' he said. Whatever a bath was.

'Hey- watch this.' Willowclaw had found a plank of driftwood, and she lay flat on it. She paddled with her paws until a wave picked her up, and she zipped onto the shore, whooping with glee. She dragged it back into the ocean. 'Wanna try?'

Willowclaw showed her how, and she took to it quickly. She paddled until a wave picked her up, and took her into shore. It felt incredible! The wind ricottched around her fur and the sea spray splashed into her face. She leant down on the wood, and for a moment it felt like she had nothing to fear. When she hit the shore, she tumbled into the sand, her face wet and sandy, and yet, she purred like a monster.

'Um. Hello.' A cat said, looking down on her both metaphorically and physically.

'Hi!' Ripplepaw blinked sand out of her eyes. 'Berry.' Her ears went red as she saw the confused and kind of concerned she-cat.

'Hello. I have a question for you. Where's Breezepaw?'


'She's not here.'

'No...' Ripplepaw paused.

'Well? If you're telling me she's dead, then-'

'No. She's alive.'

'Where is she, then?' Berry flicked her tail.

'She didn't come today.' The white and grey she-cat was making Ripplepaw nervous.

'What did she do?'

'Well, nothing.'

'Then why isn't she here?'

'Well, because she can't walk. One of her legs doesn't work.'

'So? She's still got three legs. More than a twoleg.' Berry turned tail as abruptly as she had appeared, walking back up the steps to FallClan's territory.

What the heck?

'Berry?' Willowclaw asked.


'She's weird.' Willowclaw said matter-of-factly.

'She's not that bad,' Ripplepaw said fairly.

'She's weird.'

'She's weird.' Swift put in.

'Swift!' Willowclaw feinged shock. 'You can't say that!'

'Why not? You said it.'

'Well, you're the kit here.'

'I'm an apprentice!'

'Six moons.'

'Still an apprentice.'

Willowclaw shrugged, and turned away. Swift puffed his chest up, until Willowclaw crept around him to surprise him.


Swift shrieked, jumped about seven foxtails and ran behind Ripplepaw.

'Kit.' Willowclaw said, licking her paw happily.

Ripplepaw shook her head, smiling. 'Be nice.'

'Miss Paw?' A cat said behind him. It was Blackshade, his voice silky.

'Oh! H-hi!' Ripplepaw stammered.

'How are you finding the beach?'

'Oh, it's lovely.' She smiled, eyes glinting with joy.

'Well. That's nice. Walk with me?' He suggested.

Ripplepaw looked back at Willowclaw and Swift, giggling at silly stuff that didn't matter. She wanted to stay with them- silly stuff was precious- but at Blackshade's hopeful expression she sighed, and allowed the dark tom to pull her away.

'Okay, then.' She said.

They walked in silence for a while, Ripplepaw bored out of her mind, before Blackshade broke it. The sun was beginning to set; red, pink and amber staining the sky. He turned her head so that she would look at it.

'It's beautiful, isn't it?' Blackshade asked her.

'Mm.' It was quite pretty, but she wanted to get back in the sea with Swift and Willowclaw.

'Just like you.' Blackshade continued, brushing his tail around her face.

'I-' Ripplepaw had no response for the compliment. She swished her tail around nervously. What did that mean about her? About Blackshade? 'Thanks.'

They locked eyes for a split second, Blackshade's dark amber eyes boring into her own. Blackshade looked like he was about to say something else, before they were interrupted by Swift's screech.

'Fire!' He yowled, dragging Ripplepaw by the tail. 'Come on, Ripplepaw, run!'

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