Answer Found

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September 12, 1925.

It was about 10 in the morning, I was at the station going through files, searching for any sign of our illusive stranger designated as "Shadow Man" for the last hours now, so much so my desk was covered in piles of papers. But no luck.  I had been searching through cases both cold and solved dating back 3-4 years, but nothing came up; criminal records and officers' reports hadn't been fruitful either. It was like that man just materialized from nowhere, and just had connections, multiple at least to orchestrate something like this.

I tried focusing, to ignore anything that could distract me, and continued shifting through file after file until I found something. But that day was different. There was so much that happened in so little time, I hadn't any time to process it all. Yet there, alone in the officer with only silence as my companion, I started thinking... remembering; Greenville. Bill, Luke, the Swansons, Ben, Maria. All of them... Dead.

My mind was forcing me to remember, at the most inconvenient time, where I needed all of my attention the most. It flooded me with images of years long gone and showed me a projection of me when I was still a young lad, with my friends; going on these playful adventures into the woods just outside of town, trying to find the hidden treasure of Cathrine the Great, with Amelia. We could go on from morning to noon trying to find it but we never did.

I tried to repress it, if I kept working sooner or later they'd be gone, but they never did. I hope something— Anything! That could distract me. Thankfully at that time, as if it was timed properly, or just my luck being incredibly generous. The man with ginger hair had, and a face that could lighten the mood finally came back to the station.
"Jonathan," Maxwell said as he walked to his desk.
"Maxwell," I said positioning myself to look like I was bored.
"How has it?"
"not great judging by the amount of papers on my desk."
"Have you checked the incident reports?"
"checked that an hour ago; the closest thing I could find was a very questionable account from a witness in her 80s, claiming she saw some 7-8ft tall man kill a bunch of Silvers a couple years ago," I then back up my chair a little and put my left leg over my right, while still holding a folder containing a stack of files.  
"now that's disturbing" Maxwell interjected.
"no kidding, it killed about 5 highly armed silvers. All of them. When they were found their bodies were mangled beyond recognition, some were even torn in half."
"... by any chance, we found who did it?" he said worriedly.
"well last I checked there were sightings of a bear near the area, so it's not far fetch to imagine what really happened."
before continuing my conversation with Maxwell, I glanced at the clock on the wall and almost had a heart attack. The clock's shorter arow was at the tip of eleven, and the longer one was at ten. 
"Oh, Shi— " I rose frantically before sprinting to the entrance. "can you cover for me, Maxwell?"
"please just this once," I stopped abruptly, turning my back to him. "I promise my sister I'll bring him to Townwall today, can you cover for me just once," I closed both hands together like a priest praying.
"Sure, just don't take too long alright."
"Thanks," I said, quickly turning around and rushing out.

"we're here," I said lively.
in front of me stood an old federal-style edifice of only two floors, made out of bricks, its white columns stood proudly; carrying a sign under the pediment of the words "Town Hall" Chiseld in the white material. It has a large arch window, with a double glass door as the entrance.
Standing right next to me, Amelia was wearing a long grey skirt and a black jacket. Her eyelids were lowered to a fraction of a degree, and she seemed to stare at the building, but I felt her true sight was someplace else; more likely something inside her mind.
"Are you sure it will work, Jonathan?" Amelia asked.
I turned my head around and gave her a smile. "Of course, I hadn't been sitting all day in my office you know."
I walked first towards it only stopping after a couple steps, turning around I gestured to Amelia to catch up. She looked hesitant at first, her lips twisted showing her teeth,  her eyes narrowed as if there were conflicting thoughts running inside her head, but in the end, she ultimately relented.

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