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I decided to begin with something funny. And pokemon too.
I really found it funny because i think chespin took the wrong meaning or something. I mean, he is like i'm chespin when yveltal says chespin toppings. If the picture cannot be viewed or if missing, here is the script.
*xerneus, yveltal, fennekin, frokkie and Chespin are in a restaurant*

Yveltal: so it's decided. We shall order five portions of fries and a large pizza with chespin toppings
Fennekin: mmm, sounds delicious!
Froakie: make sure you get dips!
Chespin: ...i'm chespin.
Yveltal: *gets angry at chespin and throws him out of the window*
*glass breaks*
Chespin: *falls from a high floor of the building*
It shows that the restaurant is located in a tall building. So it's like that.

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