Rant time

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Yes. My very 'uncommon' rant time.

Or perhaps I should say rare?

Anyway, today, I'm here with a bunch of stories my friend shared with me. And from that, I'm gonna start ranting.

Number one.

Having crushes.

Ok. Everyone goes under the phase of having crushes. Bu seriously, I suggest not going too far with it.
I've seen people who literally has a crush on every boy she lays her eyes on. You may think I'm exagerating, but I'm not.
I mean, seriously?!? This is too much. You probably shouldn't be thinking of this stuff until tenth grade is over! You're too young for this! What's the use of talking about your boyfriends and having one now? You're only asking for trouble. Simple as that.
Why talk about marriage when you still have like, 6 more years or something?
Why talk about dream boyfriends and who you will marry?
Why do girls scream over small things like boys staring at them?
Why do they talk about this stuff all the time?

Well, for those of you who absolutely hate these kinds of things, welcome to reality. This is the world as it is now, with many dirty minded people.
Sadly, people we can call truthful, aren't there much either.
I'll be honest. People say I'm truthful and I know I'm honest and loyal because they all say that. Of course I'm proud of this, but being truthful has gotten me into lots of trouble as well as gotten me out of them.

You see, I tell most of my stories to my closest friend, whom I do not want to tag here. She also shares stories with me, and I found out something today while we were talking.

Here's what happened.

One day in school, I told something funny to a boy in my class. Right afterwards, this girl was staring at me with a creepy smile. I asked her what happened and here was what she asked me.
'Do you have a crush on him?'
I immediately answered no.

And this year, this same boy got injured during football practice and was wearing slippers to school. He was acting usual, but was kinda careless. So I told him to watch out in a caring manner (I care when people are injured or sick ok?) and left the class, either to go to the toilte or the art room. I dunno.
And as soon as I left, these girls started whispering something and my friend heard it. She reacted by saying 'what!' to their statement.
Since the girls knew she heard it, they told here about it.
'Hey did you know Sara has a crush on 'him'!'
(I'm not gonna mention peoples names)
My friend told them thus was not true and the had an arguement, and all was cleared up.
And apparently, this became a rumor at some point too.

I laughed my head off at this. I mean, seriously? Do I look like that kind of person? I SLEEP when they talk about boyfriend and stuff.

So let me tell you this.

Stop judging people. Do you have the right to judge someone when they do something as simple as hi? Do we not have the right to speak to opposite genders? Why can't we speak to them if you can speak with them?
You don't have the right to judge people. If you're gonna do this, once again I will repeat.
You're just asking for more trouble. As long as you create fake rumors, you'll just get stabbed with the awful truth later on.
So don't make rumors about things you don't know.
Always speak the truth.

And after this rang, I'm sleepy. So next part of this rant will probably be tomorrow.
Good night.
I hope you all get something from this.

Random book of randomnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang