Hallway run-ins

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"There's supposed to be new students coming" Uzi rolled her eyes at the girls talking, why did she have to be sat near the talkative ones? She swears the teacher just hates her at this point...

"Yeah apparently there from a diffrent town, I heard they were going to earheart high"

"Isn't that like, a prep school?"

"Yeah it is!"

The vocies got lower as Uzi tuned them out, choosing instead to rest her eyes when suddenly the bell rung

Ugh, whatever, another class, another nap

Uzi immediately put in her headphones, she wouldve had them in earlier- not like the teacher talked about anything important, but they'd had a pre-test to do

Which half the kids zipped through because why even try if you're gonna get a 100 anyways for participation??

Anyways, she had a class to get to so she walked through the halls

Until she wasn't and bumped into someone getting knocked down, she hadn't been walking that fast so what the hell??

She glared and look up only to freeze as she saw a boy with yellow eyes who was- the tallest person she'd ever seen

"Oh! I'm so sorry are you okay?" He asked, reaching out to help her, help

He was wearing a pilot jacket- or at elats it looked similar to one, and had white hair

Was this some kind of trick?? It could be but also he was just looking at her, so she took his hand and let him help her up

It was...weird, most people would just mutter a sorry and walk away, or ignore her

"Im sorry! I didn't see you asking I guess i got distracted" he giggled, she just stared blankly, trying to process it

"Uh- no, no it's fine" she mumbled

"N!" A girl said hitting his arm, "come on were gonna be late for statistics, and if we're late Jay is going to be all....Jay like"

"Oh!! Right!! Math!" He- N exclaimed he glanced back at uzi and smiled, "maybe ill see you around!" He said before following his friend

Uzi blinked then shook her head, not like she'd ever see him again. She had web design next anyways! Not math, thankfully

He was in her science class.

And right next to her and she had no idea what to respond with!! How did you talk to people again!? The only 'friend' she had was Thad and even then they mostly talked over text!!

How did you socialize again!?

Okay- you know what? It wouldnt matter as long as he didn't talk to her! which he probably wouldnt, she doubted he even recognized her-

"....so do you know if biology means we're cutting things open? Cause I'd rather not do that"

Okay she was so screwed.

Ngl, I've got most of the plot figured out I jsut have to write it, and I already got a few chapters down!

Each episode will be a mini arc of its own, probably around 5 or so chapters each

The tags might spoil some of the plot but not a lot! Trust me, this is gonna be a very interesting book/fanfic so I hope you stick around!! And feel free to ask any questions, as long as the answer won't spoil something big I'll answer

First chapter is a bit short, mostly because this first "arc" is jsut a prequel to set up the mains story, chapters should get longer as time goes by!

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