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ATLAS VASILEO RELAXED ON THE SHORE OF THE LAKE. He felt as peaceful as one could on a day like this. Just a few nights before while everyone slept a boy no older than he was had somehow defeated the Minotaur. When Atlas heard of the news he went to see the boy for himself who'd fallen unconscious after he dragged some satyr into camp. Atlas stayed by the boys side for a total of ten seconds before deciding that he wasn't worth the time Atlas had to spare.

Atlas could hear the lake nymphs splashing around in the water next to him. He'd grown fond of the nymphs after they'd saved him from drowning when he was 7. Atlas sat up and stared out at Long Island Sound, He'd seen this view everyday for as long as he could remember yet it never looked less beautiful than it had before. "Atlas?" A voice spoke behind causing Atlas to jump. The boy quickly spun around coming face to face with Annabeth Chase. Atlas let out a breath "Don't do that." He muttered as his heartbeat went back to it's normal pace.

Atlas then looked his best friend up and down "You look bad." He noted as the girl rolled her eyes. "The new kid, Percy Jackson sprayed me down with toilet water." Atlas looked the girl in the eyes which showed she wasn't joking. He couldn't help the laughter that escaped his lips. "Toilet water, Chase?" He questioned as he doubled over with laughter. Annabeth on the other hand didn't find it as amusing.

"Lets spray toilet water into your mouth at 25 miles an hour and see how much you're laughing then." She threatened as Atlas wiped away a few tears of joy that sprung into his eyes. "Sorry, I'm sorry." He said as he walked up to stand beside her. "This is why Luke placed his spot next to yours." Annabeth said as Atlas's face fell "No way, You're lying." He said in disbelief. Annabeth shook her head Atlas groaned in annoyance. "I'll see you later, Toilet Girl. I have to go kick Luke's ass." Atlas said running away before Annabeth could swat at him for his remark.

Atlas ran across the green waving at some Apollo campers who were playing basketball in a attempt to impress some children of Aphrodite. Atlas waved at Silena Beauregard as she sat with her siblings sending her a wink before jogging up the steps to the Hermes Cabin. He swung open the door and sure enough there was a scrawny black haired kid sitting next to where Atlas slept. He glared at Luke as he walked past the adult who only returned his glare with a smile.

"You need to move man." Atlas said as he crouched down in front of the boy. "What?" Percy asked as he sorta looked around. "I'm talking to you, Move." Atlas said again "Uh...Why?" Percy asked as Atlas huffed out his nose. "You're in my spot." Atlas pointed out. "Luke and Annabeth said your spot was there." Percy said, pointing to where Atlas slept. "Yeah, But I keep my stuff over here man. And i've been here way longer and listen to your superiors." Atlas said as Percy looked around, He looked into the eyes of Travis Stoll and some other campers realizing no one wanted to go against the boy.

Percy shook his head again "I don't want to." He said. Atlas could practically feel the vein pop in his neck. Some of the campers looked at Percy like he'd grown three heads and turned into Cerberus. "Atlas. Leave him alone." Luke said, Coming to Percy's aid. The pretty boy Percy now recognized as Atlas glared at  Luke. This time, Luke met Atlas's glare with one of his own, They had a silent conversation before Atlas sighed and sat in his spot next to Percy's.

After a few moments of awkward silence Percy spoke up. "So...You're Atlas?" He questioned, Atlas looked at him in annoyance, "No, I'm a body snatcher who killed him." Atlas said in a tone Percy couldn't help but wonder if that was the truth. Atlas looked over and noticed the look Percy was giving him and he smiled. "Joking, Idiot." He said as Percy let out a breath.

He look over at Atlas who was only smiling at him. "You said it so confidently. Couldn't tell is it was the truth or a lie." Percy admitted. "It's fine, Percy. Trust me I've been told I'm a phenomenal liar." Atlas said as he put a hand on Percy's shoulder. Percy's heart started doing jumping jacks. "Y-Yeahh, I bet you have." Percy muttered, stumbling over his words.

Atlas raised an eyebrow at Percy who only looked away. He figured that the boy was just nervous his first day here. Atlas stood up and offered a hand to Percy, "Come on man, I'll show you around." Atlas said as Percy stood up. "Annabeth and Chiron already showed me everything." He said as Atlas shook his head. "Yeah, But I'm showing you things my way." He said as he shot Percy a look practically telling him he didn't have a choice.

Percy nodded and walked out of the Hermes Cabin following Atlas. He couldn't help but feel like some sort of weirdo. Following the pretty boy around like a lost puppy. Atlas stopped in front of a arena, "Come on." He said as he walked into the arena where some other campers were sparring. Atlas grabbed a training sword and twirled it around like a baton before nodding. "Alright, Grab you one too." He said as Percy looked around "Yes, You." Atlas said annoyedly.

"Who am I fighting?" Percy asked "Me." Atlas responded, throwing Percy a random training sword. "But I don't know how." He said as Atlas chuckled "Course you do, You killed the fucking Minotaur." He said as Percy tried to explain that that was pure luck. Atlas, Not hearing any of it, Dragged Percy to the middle of the sword arena. "I'll teach you some things alright?" Atlas said as Percy nodded.

After the first 8 times Percy messed up the move Atlas sighed. "Listen Man, I think the Minotaur just fell on your sword. Because jeez you're bad at this." He said as Percy felt himself deflate. His words were true but it didn't make them hurt any less. "That's what I've been trying to tell everyone. And I didn't use a sword I used a horn." Percy said as Atlas rolled his eyes. "So the Minotaur fell on his own horn, Makes the story even better man. Have some water and cool off." He said as he tossed Percy a water bottle.

Percy glared at Atlas as he opened the water bottle to take a sip. Just as he did however the water exploded in his face. Once His vision came back he saw Atlas laughing uncontrollably. Percy looked down and saw his water bottle had been squeezed. Percy felt his anger surge as he grabbed the training sword and rushed at Atlas. It took the boy only a moment to see the other running at him full speed. "Holy-" Atlas didn't finish his sentence as he had to begin parrying and blocking the best he could to defend against Percy's onslaught.

Percy then kicked Atlas's knee in causing him to fall backwards. As soon as the boy was on his back Percy put his foot on his chest and his sword at his head. They both breathed heavily, Percy felt the strength disappear as he dropped the training sword on the ground. "Shit Man. You're good." Atlas said "But dropping your sword was a mistake." He said as he grabbed the ankle of the leg Percy had put on him and threw it to side causing the aforementioned boy to fall to his back. Atlas rolled over on top of Percy, His sword over his heart. 

Atlas leaned down and whispered in Percy's ear. "Rule one of a fight. Never ever drop your weapon." He said as Percy was sure Atlas could now feel his racing heartbeat. Atlas got off of him making Percy able to release a gasp of air he'd taken and never released  when he'd fallen. "But otherwise, Good job man." Atlas said as he clapped Percy on the back. Percy gave a weak thumbs up as Atlas smiled and went to put the training swords back. The moment he turned around Percy's knees turned to jelly.

He held himself up with the wall. Percy came to the conclusion that Atlas was absolutely terrible for his health.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑 - P. JACKSONWhere stories live. Discover now