Chapter Four

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Stormpaw lifted his hunches and I did the same.

Sunmist criticised, prodding me, "Mistypaw, you have to be able to balance!"

Tigerpearl told Stormpaw, "Remember what I taught you; watch what fighting trick she favours most and find her weak spot!"

The couple stepped back, "Come on! Start when you're- "

I jumped at Stormpaw but he skidded away from me, rearing onto his hind legs and batting at my exposed underbelly. But his blows didn't land as I twist away from him in midair and landed nearby.

 I noticed that he watched me carefully so I feigned an attack to the right and when he dodged in the opposite direction, I pounced towards the left, crashing into him. We rolled around, each trying to achieve the upper paw. 

Finally, Stormpaw pinned me to the ground and I raised my hind legs, batting him off. Immediately, I pounced on him, holding him down as I cuffed his ears sharply. He fell limp for a second and my grip loosened, thinking I'd won. 

Then he suddenly brought his rear legs up and kicked me away. I flailed in the air, trying to regain my balance and landing on my side. Stormpaw rushed towards me for the final blow and when he was nearly on me, I reared up and sent him crashing to the ground before jumping on him once again.

Sunmist exclaimed, "All right! Good job, both of you."

I got off him as Stormpaw stood up, purring, "Nice, Mistypaw."

Surprised, I agreed readily, "Thanks. You were awesome as well. I liked how you faked defeat."

We walked off, pelts brushing lightly in a mutual friendship that warmed me to the heart. As we reached the main clearing, I headed for the fresh-kill pile and Lilypaw bounced towards me, all fluffed up and eager to chat.

I nodded at her, "Feel free to join me at the fresh-kill pile." I glanced expectantly at Stormpaw, "You can come too."

He shook his head and I tried to not let my disappointment show, "No, it's fine. I need to talk to Tigerpearl."

He walked away, picking up a squirrel as he did. Lilypaw picked out a plump thrush, "Here, have some. I can't finish it all by myself."

I blinked gratefully at her and crouched down to take a bite. Suddenly, a jet black she-cat bounced up to us, "Hi!"

I lifted my head, chewing, "Hi, Nightpaw."

I didn't know what I felt about this fellow apprentice yet. She'd been found a few days after I was and it was very likely that we were related in some way. One moon older than me, she'd hung out with Eaglepaw and Treepaw when we were still kits. 

They never paid attention to us younger kits. 

She was outgoing and always had a quick remark. She was also known to rush quickly into fights. 

As Nightpaw scooped out a mouse, she nudged me, "Soo, you like Stormpaw?"

My pelt unconsciously ruffled and my tail spiked up. Stormpaw was like a brother to me. But did I like him in a more intimate way?

Trying to seem nonchalant, I shrugged, "He's a great fighting partner. That's all."

Nightpaw sighed, "Yeah, well he's not as good a climber as Treepaw."

I stared at her, "Do you like HIM?"

She tilted her head at me, "What if I do?"

I rolled my eyes disdainfully, "He's so arrogant, that's all."

Nightpaw countered, "He's got ambitions, unlike Stormpaw! I swear, that cat's always thinking about how good someone else is."

I protested, "There's nothing wrong with that, though. You wouldn't want someone like Tigerstar, would you?"

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