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Blue's mind was a swirl of confusion and concern as he observed the lively party around him. The pulsating music and flashing lights seemed almost distant compared to the turmoil he felt inside. He couldn't shake the image of Lunar at the club, seemingly entangled with another man. The scene had been so out of place, so incongruent with what he knew about Lunar, that it gnawed at him. He grasped at possible explanations for Lunar's presence, but each one crumbled under the weight of what he had seen. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that something wasn't right. The unsettling possibility that someone might be manipulating or trapping Lunar flickered in his mind, deepening his unease.

Adding to his anxiety was Star's sudden and unexplained departure. Star's abrupt exit had been as out of place as he saw Lunar's appearance, and Blue found himself grappling with the implications. He had always known Star to be intensely focused and somewhat secretive, but this behavior was out of character even for him. Then there was the matter of the club itself. Blue had noticed a strange shift in the dynamics of the night. The sight of Sky and Moon casually toasting with Nick, the owner of the club, stirred something unsettled in Blue's gut. Not long ago, their interactions with the club owner had been anything but cordial. Their past altercations had made the club a place they typically avoided. Yet, here they were, mingling comfortably with the very owner they had once fought against. The change in their relationship, or at least the absence of the old tension, seemed too convenient and too abrupt to be natural.

Blue's thoughts continued to spiral as he tried to piece together the fragmented information. The club, Lunar's unexpected presence, Star's odd behavior, and the brothers' new rapport with Nick—all these elements seemed to form a puzzle he couldn't quite solve. As he stood there, struggling to make sense of it all, the night felt increasingly surreal and disorienting. The vibrant energy of the club did little to soothe Blue's nerves. Instead, it seemed to amplify his sense of disorientation and concern. He knew he had to get to the bottom of these unsettling developments, but with each passing moment, the tangled web of relationships and hidden motives only grew more complex.

As Blue continued to stew in his thoughts, the brothers kept toasting and chatting with Nick, their laughter mingling with the pulsating beat of the club. Nick, with a satisfied grin, raised his glass. "Well, it seems like we're all getting along just fine these days," he said, clinking glasses with Sky and Moon. Nick leaned back in his chair, a playful grin dancing on his lips as he watched the brothers' expressions. "It's been ages since you guys last visited," he said, taking a leisurely sip from his drink. "So, I thought I'd introduce you to my newest worker. Unfortunately, he's already booked for tonight." His voice had a lilt of pride, as if the worker in question was a prized addition to his lineup. He casually reached for a catalogue sitting on the table, its pages filled with carefully curated photos of his staff. Sky, intrigued by Nick's confidence, raised an eyebrow. "Is it a guy or a girl?" Nick paused, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he flipped through the pages. "It's a guy," he said, his voice low with an almost conspiratorial tone. "A pretty one with a fantastic body." He stopped at the page he was looking for, his smirk widening as he held up the photo.

The moment Sky and Moon's eyes landed on the image, it was as if time froze. The vibrant energy of the club, the low hum of music, the buzz of conversation—all of it seemed to fade into the background. Their faces drained of color, jaws tightening in disbelief. There, staring back at them from the glossy page, was Lunar. The silence between the brothers stretched, heavy and charged with unspoken shock. Sky blinked, as if trying to clear away what he was seeing, but the image didn't change. His stomach lurched, a cold pit of dread forming as the realization of what Lunar had gotten involved in hit him like a freight train. Moon, on the other hand, was rigid, his fists clenching as anger and confusion battled for dominance in his mind.

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