29 - ESCAPE 🗡

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The once peaceful and serene atmosphere of the campus had been completely shattered. The courtyard of the Creative Arts faculty, which usually buzzed with light-hearted conversations and the sound of students going about their day, was now a blood-stained battlefield. Blood splattered across the pavement, smeared along walls, and pooled beneath fallen bodies. The chaos of the fight had left the ground littered with broken weapons, shattered glass, and overturned benches.

The students who had merely watched the scene unfold were left in shock. Their faces pale, many of them struggled to comprehend the sheer violence they had just witnessed. Some were trembling, their hands still covering their mouths in horror. Others were sobbing quietly, their minds replaying the brutal images over and over again. The trauma had settled into their bones, and whispers of the fight buzzed through the air like a collective nightmare that no one could wake from.

The once-calm faculty was now a site of utter devastation. It was no longer recognizable—everything was in disarray, from the courtyard to the interior halls. Desks were toppled, windows shattered, and walls marked by frantic scrawls left behind by fleeing students. The place looked like a war zone, and the atmosphere was thick with the scent of blood and fear.

Word of the battle spread like wildfire across campus. The initial whispers grew into full-blown rumors as the story of the violent clash made its way through the hallways and classrooms of other faculties. Students from different departments exchanged panicked looks, their phones buzzing incessantly with notifications, messages, and clips of the carnage that had already started circulating. Some were horrified by the brutality, while others were morbidly curious, unable to stop watching footage of the brawl.

But the worst news was yet to come. The faculty's administration had quickly alerted the higher-ups, and within minutes, the news had reached the chancellor's office. The campus chancellor, a figure known for their strict control and reputation for maintaining discipline, was now livid. Their face twisted with rage as they listened to the report of what had occurred. The idea that a full-scale brawl had erupted within the university grounds was unthinkable. This was not just some petty disagreement or minor scuffle—it was a full-blown battle, complete with weapons, bloodshed, and chaos.

"How could this have happened?" the chancellor barked, their voice seething with anger. "In my university?" There was no answer. No excuse could justify the mess that now stained the institution's reputation. As the chancellor paced their office, the severity of the situation began to sink in. This wasn't just a physical altercation—this was a public relations disaster that could have far-reaching consequences. "I want everyone involved in this brought to my office immediately," the chancellor ordered, their eyes narrowing dangerously. "I don't care who they are. They will all be held accountable."

The storm that had been brewing on campus was now about to break. The aftermath of the battle was far from over. What had started as a confrontation between a few individuals had spiraled into something much larger, and the entire university was about to feel the impact.

As the news spread throughout the campus that the administration had launched an all-out search for those involved in the violent battle, a wave of panic swept through Sky, Blue, Wai, Lunar, and Jewel. Hiding in the club room, they anxiously awaited updates, but the tension was suffocating. When word reached them that the lecturers, security, and even the chancellor himself were involved in the search, they knew their time was up.

The chancellor had never gotten directly involved in campus incidents before, especially not violent confrontations. This was unprecedented, signaling just how serious the situation had become. The group exchanged frantic glances, knowing they couldn't stay hidden much longer. "We need to leave. Now," Sky said, his voice calm but firm. There was no time for hesitation.

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