Chapter 1: A Sweet Arrangement

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The evening was settling over the city, its skyscrapers glistening like cold diamonds in the fading light. Y/N tugged her coat tighter around her body, her fingers trembling slightly as she clutched her phone. Her heart raced, and no matter how many times she told herself that this was just another arrangement, the pounding in her chest refused to settle. Tonight, she was stepping into a world she never imagined for herself.

When the sleek, black car pulled up in front of her, her breath hitched. The tinted windows slid down, revealing the driver who gave her a polite nod, gesturing for her to enter. She took a deep breath and slid into the leather seats, the scent of luxury immediately overwhelming her senses. The soft hum of the engine was the only sound as the car smoothly glided through the streets, heading toward a part of the city she had only ever seen in magazines.Y/N glanced down at her phone, her screen displaying a message from her friend who had convinced her to take this step.

"Just remember, it's only business."Only business. She repeated those words like a mantra. It was an arrangement, a transaction. Nothing more. But the butterflies in her stomach didn't care about logic.They arrived at an opulent hotel, and before she could even open the door herself, the driver had stepped out and opened it for her. She thanked him quietly and stepped onto the marble pavement, the grand entrance looming before her. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting soft light on the guests who were dressed in designer suits and evening gowns. She suddenly felt small in her fitted black dress, even though she knew she looked stunning.And then, she saw him.

Bang Chan stood near the entrance, his back to her as he spoke to someone in a low, commanding tone. His broad shoulders filled out the dark, tailored suit he wore, the fabric clinging to his toned form in all the right ways. His hair was neatly styled, though a stray lock hung near his forehead, giving him a boyish charm that contrasted with the powerful aura he exuded.

He turned, and their eyes met.

Y/N's breath caught in her throat. There was something about him—something beyond the surface level good looks. His presence was magnetic, his gaze intense and unwavering. She had seen pictures of him before, of course, and heard about his reputation. But seeing him in person? It was something entirely different. He was more... alive.

"Y/N?" His voice was smooth and deep, like the warmth of dark chocolate. The corner of his lips lifted in a half-smile, his eyes scanning her slowly but respectfully. "You look beautiful.""Thank you," she managed to say, feeling her cheeks warm under his scrutiny.He stepped forward, offering his arm. "Shall we?"

The simple gesture made her heart skip. She placed her hand lightly on his arm, feeling the solid muscle beneath the fabric. It felt like stepping into something unknown, something dangerous and thrilling all at once. They walked together, moving through the hotel lobby as people glanced their way, some with curiosity, others with envy.

When they reached the elevator, Chan pressed the button for the penthouse without even glancing at the panel. She could feel his presence next to her, every movement deliberate and smooth. The air between them was thick with unspoken tension.

The elevator ride was silent, but not uncomfortable. Y/N could sense him watching her in the reflective walls, though his eyes were more curious than judgmental. It was as if he was waiting, gauging her reaction to this world of luxury and power he inhabited."You've never done this before, have you?" he asked, his tone soft but direct. His eyes met hers, and she found it hard to look away.

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