Chapter 5: Whispers of Forever

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As the evening settled into a comfortable rhythm, the gentle hum of the city outside served as a backdrop to the quiet intimacy Chan and Y/N shared. They had spent most of the night discussing their dreams, their plans, and the small moments that made their relationship feel so special. But now, they simply enjoyed each other’s presence in the warm glow of their living room.

Chan was sprawled on the couch, his head resting in Y/N’s lap, while she absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes, feeling the tension from the past weeks melt away. There was something so peaceful in these moments—no schedules, no pressure—just the steady reassurance of being together.

“I love this,” Chan murmured, his voice soft but filled with meaning. “I love how even when we’re not doing anything, it still feels perfect.”

Y/N smiled down at him, her fingers tracing soft patterns along his temple. “That’s because it is perfect. We don’t always need grand plans or adventures. Sometimes it’s just enough to be here, like this.”

Chan opened his eyes, gazing up at her with a soft intensity. “I don’t say it enough, but I’m so grateful for everything we’ve built together. You’ve been my constant, and I don’t take that for granted.”

Y/N’s heart swelled at his words, and she leaned down to press a gentle kiss to his forehead. “We’ve done this together, Chan. Every step of the way.”

He smiled, lifting his hand to intertwine their fingers. “Together,” he echoed, his voice filled with quiet promise.

As the night deepened, they moved from the living room to the bedroom, where the atmosphere shifted into something even more intimate. They lay beside each other, the room dimly lit, and Chan couldn’t help but study Y/N’s face. She was relaxed, her features softened in the gentle light, and he found himself marvelling at how much they had been through—both the exciting highs and the quiet lows.

“I’ve been thinking about something,” Chan said, breaking the silence. “I know we’ve talked about our future, but I think I’m ready to make more concrete plans.”

Y/N tilted her head, curiosity sparking in her eyes. “What do you mean?”

He took a deep breath, his thumb brushing over her knuckles as he gathered his thoughts. “I mean, I want us to really start thinking about what comes next. Whether it’s finding a new place together, taking on more projects, or… something more.”

Her heart skipped at the last part, sensing the unspoken meaning behind his words. They had talked about their future many times before, but this felt different—more real. There was a weight to his words, an earnestness that made her breath catch in her throat.

“What are you thinking?” she asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Chan paused for a moment as if weighing his next words carefully. “I’m thinking that I want us to keep building this life together. But I also want us to think about the long-term. Maybe… maybe we start talking about what it would look like to take that next step in our relationship.”

Y/N’s chest tightened, but not with anxiety—with excitement. She had always known that their bond was strong, but hearing him voice his desires made everything feel more tangible. “You mean… marriage?” she asked, her voice soft but steady.

Chan nodded, a smile playing at his lips. “Yeah. I mean, not right away, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about. You’re the person I want to spend my life with, Y/N. I don’t want to rush anything, but I want us to keep moving forward.”

Her heart fluttered, and for a moment, all she could do was stare at him, taking in the depth of his sincerity. She reached out, placing her hand on his cheek. “I want that too, Chan. I want everything with you.”

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