the one who makes you laugh

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Taylor sighed deeply, the noise from the high school football game blurring into the background as she focused on the play unfolding in front of her. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the field as the crowd erupted into cheers. Travis Kelce had just made another touchdown. Of course, he had.

The star of the high school football team, everyone expected Travis to make the big plays. Tall, athletic, and charming, he was the guy everyone wanted to be friends with—and the guy every girl in school wanted to date.

But right now, Travis wasn't looking at the stands filled with fans. He was looking at his girlfriend, the head cheerleader, Allison. Taylor watched as Allison jumped up and down with excitement, her bright blonde hair bouncing, her megawatt smile directed straight at Travis. Taylor, sitting in the bleachers alone, felt a familiar tug in her chest. She'd known Travis since they were kids—when they'd shared popsicles at the playground, made up silly games, and promised to always be friends.

But that was before. Before Allison. Before Travis became the star of the school. Before Taylor became invisible.

She tugged at her oversized band t-shirt, pulling her legs up on the bleacher seat, and rested her chin on her knees. Her own friends were scattered throughout the crowd, but she preferred to sit here, watching Travis from a distance. That's all she'd been doing for months now—watching from a distance.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she fished it out, surprised to see Travis's name light up the screen. He still texted her, still kept up their friendship, but lately, it had felt different—like they were living in two completely separate worlds.

Travis 🌟🏈
Hey, did you see that? It was epic, right?"

Taylor smiled to herself. Despite everything, Travis always made time to check in with her.

Of course. You're killing it out there.

Travis 🌟🏈
Thanks. Wish you were here closer. These bleachers suck.

She bit her lip, glancing over at Allison, who was now chatting with her friends by the sidelines. Of course, she wasn't really by his side either, not in the way that counted. Taylor knew better than to let herself hope for something more.

But she couldn't help it. It had been like this for months. Every time she saw him with Allison, she felt that undeniable tug, that whisper in her mind: *You belong with me.*


The game ended with a victory, and Taylor gathered her things, preparing to leave. The parking lot was already packed with students celebrating, laughing, and planning their post-game hangouts. She walked quickly, avoiding the crowds, but she couldn't avoid them for long.

"Taylor!" a familiar voice called out.

She turned to see Travis jogging up to her, still wearing his football uniform, his face flushed from the game. Despite herself, Taylor smiled.

"You heading home?" he asked, falling into step beside her.

"Yeah. Figured I'd beat the traffic," she said, gesturing to the chaos around them.

Travis grinned. "You're always thinking ahead."

She shrugged. "Somebody has to."

They walked in silence for a moment, the noise of the crowd fading as they reached the far edge of the parking lot. Taylor could feel the tension between them—unspoken, always there, lurking beneath the surface.

"You coming to the party tonight?" Travis asked suddenly.

She hesitated. "I don't know... Those things aren't really my scene."

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