and if they call me a "slut!"

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🚨🚨 smut warning
this chapter have hot scenes mentioned, if you don't feel comfortable, don't read it.

Taylor sat at the bar, swirling the amber liquid in her glass absentmindedly. The soft hum of conversation filled the upscale lounge, the city skyline twinkling through the floor-to-ceiling windows like a thousand tiny stars. It was one of those nights in New York where everything felt electric—the air charged with the possibility of something unexpected, something daring.

But Taylor wasn't feeling that spark tonight.

She was supposed to be celebrating—the final leg of her sold-out tour had just wrapped, and her team had thrown a huge party in her honor. Everyone was there: her band, her closest friends, even some surprise celebrity guests who showed up for the free drinks and a chance to say they were part of the glittering world of Taylor Swift.

And yet, here she was, at the edge of it all, watching as if from a distance.

Her phone buzzed on the bar, a message lighting up the screen. She hesitated before picking it up. It was a text from Joe, the same kind of message she'd been receiving for months now—short, distant, polite.

Joe A.
Congrats on the tour. Hope you're doing well.

She stared at the words, her stomach sinking. It was like talking to a ghost—someone who was there but wasn't really present, someone who was slipping further away with every passing day.

She loved Joe once—maybe a part of her still did—but things had changed. And lately, the whispers had grown louder. Everyone had something to say about her personal life, her choices, her every move. But the loudest whispers of all were about him.

The rumors had started months ago: Travis Kelce.

Taylor had been seen with him at a few events. They'd been friends for a while, but that didn't stop the tabloids from spinning their own narrative. Soon, the headlines were filled with stories about their "secret romance," their "undeniable chemistry." It didn't matter that most of it wasn't true. All it took was a few photos, a few glances, and suddenly she was the headline again, the girl who couldn't stay away from drama.


The word hung in her mind like a dark cloud, something she'd heard whispered behind closed doors and read in online comments. It didn't matter that she'd been careful, that she'd kept her private life as quiet as possible. The moment the media caught wind of something—anything—it exploded, and she was back in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

She didn't mind the attention when it was for her music, her art. But when it was about her personal life, it was exhausting. Suffocating.

"Hey, you okay?"

The voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she looked up to see Travis standing beside her. He was wearing a simple black suit, his broad shoulders filling out the fabric effortlessly. His hair was a little messy, like he'd run his hand through it one too many times, and his smile was warm, familiar.

She hadn't even seen him come in.

"I didn't know you were coming," she said, managing a small smile.

"Surprise," he said, sliding onto the barstool next to her. His eyes scanned her face, a flicker of concern in them. "You seem... distracted."

Taylor sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, I guess I am. Just thinking."

"About what?"

She hesitated. How could she explain the weight she'd been carrying, the constant judgment that came with being Taylor Swift in the public eye? The headlines, the rumors, the names people threw at her without a second thought. But she knew Travis understood—he'd been in the spotlight long enough to know how cruel people could be.

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