Chapter 5

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Sam's POV:
The bell rang before I could finish my launch. I don't even remember eating it. I said bye to Shawn and Mia and went to my next class.

I got in class and sat in my usual seat. There was a guy sitting next to my seat. I haven't seen him before and I was so curious, so I asked.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you in school before".

"I'm not new to the school, but I'm new in this class".

"Oh, that's cool. I'm Sam, nice to meet you".

"I'm Nash, nice to meet you too".

He was nice and open and easy to talk to. We talked through the whole class and did our work our work together. We even exchanged numbers. He told me I could call him and bother him every time I wanted to and we both laughed.

He was so cute, funny and his eyes. Oh my god his eyes. They're so beautiful and blue.

The teacher put us in groups of two. Nash went to the teacher and asked if he could work with me and the teacher said yes.

Soon the bell rang and the teacher told us that the project was due tomorrow before we left the class. We stood in the hallway and nash asked if we should go to his place after school or my place. I told him my place at 5:00a.m.

I couldn't believe the day was over. I couldn't wait to see him again, he made me forget about the whole Mia and Shawn thing.

It was almost 5 and I got a feeling that I should've told Shawn and Mia about Nash and that he was coming over but I changed my mind when I heard Shawn's voice coming from Mia's room. He always came to me first and hugged me or kissed me whenever he came to our house because I was the only reason he came to our house but I guess not anymore. Now that he has a girlfriend he has to be with her not me.

The doorbell rang and I went downstairs to open the door. I saw Nash's face as I opened the door and I couldn't help it but smile. We both went upstairs to my room and we passed Mia's room, I heard Shawn calling my name.


"Hey Shawn"

"Who is this guy?"

"This is my friend Nash and we're doing a project together".

"Your friend?" He said it in a kinda disappointed or upset face.

"Yeah my friend"

"Oh that's cool, see you guys later"


"Who was that?" Nash asked.

"That's my friend Shawn and now he's my sister's boyfriend"

"And why did he look upset when you told him I was your friend? Does he not want me hanging with you?"

"I don't know why was he upset, but he has no right to not want you here" I said in a annoyed face

"Let's forget about it now and do our project quick so we can have time to talk and get to know each other more".

Our project wasn't really that big it was just writing a paper about the world hunger and what can we do to decrease it. And since there's internet, we finished it in an our.

I sat on my bed and Nash sat next to me.

"So... do you have a boyfriend?"

"No why? Wanna be my boyfriend?" I giggled

"Maybe! So what do you like to do in your free time?"

" I really never had a free time, Shawn and I have been friends our entire lives and he's always been with me and I don't really remember going out by myself so yeah. What about you?"

"I like to skateboard"

"That's cool, wanna go get snack or something? Cause I'm hungry."

"Yeah sure"

We went downstairs to the kitchen. I got myself a big bowl of cinnamon toast crunch.

"Wow, I didn't know you liked cereal!"

"Are you kidding me? I love cereal. What's your favorite kind? Mine is cinnamon toast"

"I love all kinds of cereal"

"You're crazy"

We both laughed. Soon Shawn and Mia came downstairs and me and Nash were throwing cereal at each other and laughing. Shawn looked kinda mad I don't know why we never dated or anything, I liked him but he didn't like me back and he has a girlfriend and there was no reason for him to get mad or make Nash feel the way he felt when he first came so I was mad at Shawn.

"I'm leaving" Shawn said

"Ok bye" I said to him.

I usually hug him or kiss him when he's leaving but today I said "ok bye" just normal like I didn't care.

Mia kissed him and he left.

Me and Nash finished our cereal and watched tv for a while. Soon it was 8 and it was getting dark. Nash said he had to go home. I walked him outside to his car. He stopped before he got in his car, took my hands and looked directly to my eyes. He got so me close to, I could heard him breathe, his face was so close to mine. We were this close to kissing when he backed up.

"Why? What happened?" I asked.

"I just didn't wanna do anything without your approval. It's just that I... I don't wanna make you do anything you don't wanna do".

Before he could say anything,.I grapped him and kissed him. It was the best kiss ever. It felt like our lips were meant to be together and I never wanted it to end. I smiled and looked down because I was kinda embarrassed. He softly touched my chin and lifted my head up and said "you're so beautiful" softly. I didn't know what to say so I just smiled. He stood there staring at each and smiling for like 5 minutes. He soon kissed me by my cheek and said "see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow" I said back

He drove away and I ran to my room. I couldn't believe I had my first kiss, it was so amazing it felt like I was in a fairytale. I closed my eyes and touched my lips as I thought of the kiss. I fell asleep thinking of it.

I'm sorry guys for not updating in a while. I know this chapter was kinda long, I wanted it to be long because I haven't updated for a week I think or maybe more; it's because my cousin is over from a different state and I haven't seen her in 3 months and I missed her so much. I'm trying to spend every second with her and my sister. I have been so inactive on all my social media because of it. It's 4a.m. right now, I'm updating now because I know I won't have time tomorrow. I'm sorry if my writing is bad because I'm so sleepy.

Hope you like this chapter.


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