21. A Night to Remember, pt.1

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The big park was already alive with commotion and thrill when the five families arrived. Clifford was there, his own son and Derek in tow; so were Kez and Lizzie, with their mother Noelani. Saka showed up too, with his.

Davin, meanwhile, was all smiles; there was little doubt that Kari had told him of the results of her earlier phone call with the Greenfields patriarch. The man in question had yet to make his appearance, but this hardly dampened the boy's spirits; they were all there to unwind as this summer's holidays were coming to a close, and that was what he wanted to try making the most out of.

Presently, the kids were taking in the new sight of people coming from near and far just for the occasion. Cove seemed to hesitate as he took in the growing gaggle of strangers; on the contrary, by Noelani's side, Lizzie bounced on the balls of her feet, barely containing her excitement.

Derek, meanwhile, had pronounced along the way that as eager as he was for the fireworks ("It's gonna be so cool!"), he didn't mind coming hours in advance.

This being said, Saka was being in a sour mood for not being allowed to touch the beautifully-iced cupcake that his mom had taken the trouble to carry over. It was meant to be Tamara's treat for the people running the community event; even though they weren't charging for it, she wanted them to have something in return.

Clifford's contribution to the party, a huge pack of juice boxes, was tucked under his arm.

"Right then," Rara began, looking around. "Everyone all set?"

"Should be," Cliff remarked. "Cove, did you put sunscreen on before we left?"

"Yeah, I always do. You don't have to tell me," came his son's crisp reply. Cliff deflated, but smiled nevertheless.

"Good kid. I don't want you getting burned... or dehydrated, either. It'll be a busy day-"

"Won't be," Saka cut in, arms crossed in a huff, "if all we're gonna do is stand here."

Derek laughed, not seeming to mind his friend's sarcasm. "I don't think there's gonna be any risk of that second part. Look!"

He nodded at the tables up ahead, laden with all kinds of food and drink. There was plenty to go around.

"Hot dang, they are serious about this." Dave whistled. "Glad I picked that flyer and got you all here."

The parents headed over, their kids trailing after them. A bunch of grownups were clustered around there, chatting, but Derek seemed more intrigued by what was on the tables.

"Hey," he heard Cove say, "all that's for later. We've eaten too, remember?"

"Have you?" Saka prodded. "What did you have? When?"

"Pretzels, not too long before now. Me and Derek went shopping for a bit, and we've seen a magician do this thing with cards and then we were given matching balloons!"

"Hmph. Bet at least one didn't make it."

Cove blinked. As used as he was getting to the Red Rider's bluntness by now, he was still surprised. "Well... yeah. But how did you know?"

"Oh, I'm sorta a magician myself," Saka replied, rolling his eyes. "Derek's never too good with holding himself back whenever there's anything cheap that's gotten his interest enough, I can tell."

"Did not!" the eldest Suarez boy protested, abashed at being predicted in such a manner.

"Did too. Cove'd gotten you something, hadn't he?"

"Well- yeah, he did. A dolphin keychain. But-!"

"But you still wanted more?"

"Hey, it's not like-"

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