The Fairly Odd Celebis

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Platinum: I just noticed that the Celebis, Kale and Radish, both fit the color scheme of Cosmo and Wanda. Kale is resilient like Cosmo, and Radish is as assertive as Wanda.

Theo: Isn't Cosmo stupid?

Platinum: I prefer to call him oblivious in nature. Oh, Tinkaton, I think Wanda has seen enough of your Gigaton Hammer. *motions to Link* Take a picture, it'll last longer. *Link taps her lower shoulder* Yes?

Link: *signs* "Can we stop now? Scarl feels bad."

Platinum: *signs back* "Why's that?"

Cypress: *holding a bereaved and shaking Scarl* We just recollected Link's last memory. Now, Scarl is, as Link signed, *taps the front of their jaws, and waves their hand forward* bad.

Platinum: You're excused.

[Cypress picks up Scarl, Link leads them both away.]

Flor: Periwinkle?

Jule: Poof child Peri?

Platinum: The young, purple fairy? We can place him as a Jirachi, because they both grant wishes.

Jule: Maraca wand.

Platinum: Yes, the maraca wand has a star shape.

Flor: Jorgan?

Platinum: The muscular drill Sargeant fairy? He's either a Terrakion, a Buzzwole, or a Gigantamax Machamp, with the glowing arms and burning eyes.

Jule: Tooth Fairy Virizion.

Platinum: I was thinking Cobalion, but Virizion does appear feminine.

Flor: Pixies? Anti-fairies?

Platinum: Porygon, because the portrayal of pixies are boring. Anti-fairies come off as regional variants to me. No, Theo, I am not placing Timmy as a Bibarel. He can't really change the shape of his teeth on a whim.

Jule: *reads from Flor's notes* "Yu-coal-po-ta-to."

Platinum: Mark Chang, the Yukopotamian. Even I butcher the pronunciation sometimes. How's about a Toedscruel? They got big heads like their glass-incased brains.

Jule: Turners get Watchogs!

Platinum: They're a bit too oblivious for those. *mumbles* They both have the attention span of a Slowpoke. *Theo snickers* Thank you.

Creda: Waxaplax Jynx?

Platinum: Ew. The Jynx species gets enough flack as they originally were.

Creda: Denzel Crocker?

Platinum: Kantoan Mr. Mime, cause he's a clown.

Creda: Vicky?

Platinum: *groans* Don't even mention her. Sometimes, I feel like slapping on a Salazzle alter, and calling it a day.

Jule: Yeah, the asinine.

Flor: Ravioli said it first, still true.

[A Honchkrow squawks in protest.]

Platinum: They already know that, Revali, you don't need to be harsh.

[A Mandibuzz waves a wing dismissively.]

Platinum: Well they're not used to the antics, Urbosa.

[An Aerodactyl folds their wings, tucks in their tail, and rolls directly into a wall, they beat their wings and roars.]


Platinum: Glad you like it, Daruk. Sorry I couldn't find a more suitable form, considering that Aerodactyl can't learn Rollout. And, Mipha, are you really okay with this Pelipper representing you?

[The Pelipper caws harmoniously.]

Platinum: Indeed it is your pleasure, given your Grace ability.

Creda: We're done here, good night.

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