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Iwaizumi rubbed his eyes and gently extricated Oikawa's arms from his waist, allowing the brunette to settle comfortably on his bed. He pulled the blanket over Oikawa's shoulders, cherishing the sight of him sleeping peacefully. It was only 6 a.m., but Iwaizumi had woken from a nightmare, sweat clinging to his skin. He knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep with Oikawa beside him, especially not after what had been said the previous night.

Did Oikawa really mean what he said? Or was it all just a pretense? Iwaizumi recalled the three words that echoed in his mind, words that filled him with both happiness and heartache, like a dagger piercing his chest.

He found himself standing at the kitchen counter, a mug of coffee warming his hands. He desperately needed it, as his eyes felt heavy from sleepless nights. Staring out the window, he watched as the surroundings gradually lit up with the dawn. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around him from behind, squeezing him tightly.

Iwaizumi glanced over his shoulder to find Oikawa, still half-asleep and murmuring about why Iwaizumi had left the bed. He didn't respond; instead, he let Oikawa hug him, finding solace in the embrace. Seeing the brunette secure in his arms filled Iwaizumi with a sense of relief.

Eventually, Oikawa dozed off again, light snores escaping him. Iwaizumi smiled softly and turned to face him, careful not to disturb Oikawa's peaceful hold. He rested his chin on Oikawa's head and gently ran his fingers through his hair. Oikawa was so small and precious, and Iwaizumi couldn't bear the thought of letting him go.

"Tooru?" he whispered, but Oikawa remained sound asleep. Iwaizumi shook him gently, trying again. "Hey, let's go back to my room, yeah? Let's fall back asleep together." With a bit more urgency, he nudged Oikawa's shoulder, and finally, Oikawa's eyes fluttered open, bleary but aware.

He nodded sleepily, clinging to Iwaizumi as the latter swept him into his arms in a bridal carry. Though Iwaizumi knew he wouldn't be able to sleep again, he couldn't deny Oikawa the comfort he needed. Oikawa looked utterly exhausted, and he would need all the rest he could get. As Iwaizumi carried him back to the bedroom, he silently acknowledged that peaceful sleep was likely a luxury he wouldn't enjoy for a while.


"Iwa-chan! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Oikawa shouted, his voice ringing with urgency. It was Sunday evening, just a week before graduation, and tonight was the festival. Iwaizumi had reluctantly agreed to go with Oikawa, knowing that refusing would only lead to sulking and disappointment. Even now, with the truth hanging between them, Iwaizumi wanted to do everything he could to make Oikawa happy.

After a few moments of waiting outside Iwaizumi's house, he finally emerged. Oikawa stood in a stunning yukata, adorned with a pattern that reminded Iwaizumi of a starry night, tiny stars twinkling across the fabric. Oikawa looked breathtaking, and Iwaizumi was momentarily stunned, simply standing there, captivated by the sight before him.

"Hajime, why are you staring at me like that?" Oikawa asked, his heart racing. Did he look okay? Was it the yukata? Was there something on his face?

All doubt vanished when he saw the genuine smile on Iwaizumi's face. Iwaizumi walked toward him, his expression softening as he spoke. "You look beautiful." The gentle tone made Oikawa's heart skip a beat-maybe even two. Brushing off his shyness and ignoring the heat rising in his cheeks, Oikawa tugged Iwaizumi closer, clinging to his arm. Iwaizumi laughed, teasing him about his tomato-red face, earning a playful pinch on the arm from the brunette.

As they walked hand in hand down the street, they savored the warmth they shared, the air growing colder as the sky darkened. If they had arrived a bit earlier, they could have watched the sunset together at the festival. But Iwaizumi had accidentally dozed off while working on an assignment, and now they were in a rush.

Upon reaching the festival entrance, they were met with a bustling crowd. Iwaizumi felt Oikawa squeeze his hand gently, a silent reassurance. He nodded, knowing Oikawa understood his discomfort in large gatherings. Despite the chaos, as long as Oikawa was by his side, he didn't mind. Their eyes scanned the crowd for their friends.

In the distance, Iwaizumi spotted Hanamaki waving enthusiastically, Matsukawa standing beside him. Yahaba and Kyoutani were deep in conversation, while Kunimi and Kindaichi also chatted, though Kunimi appeared less interested. Iwaizumi pulled Oikawa along, eager to join their group. As they approached, Hanamaki's sly grin became clearer.

"Hey, lovebirds," he greeted, a mischievous glint in his eye as he looked at the two of them. Iwaizumi responded with a light hit to his shoulder.

"Ouch! That hurt! What was that for?" Hanamaki complained, feigning injury. Iwaizumi merely shrugged, rolling his eyes-he didn't have the energy to argue right now. Hanamaki mimicked a wounded expression, much like Oikawa often did.

"Oh please, Makki, I didn't even hit you that hard," Iwaizumi said, turning his attention to his juniors behind Hanamaki, ignoring the pink-haired boy's antics.

"Really, Iwa? I literally waited for you and your boyfriend to arrive. Late failures!" Hanamaki retorted, only to receive another playful hit on the back of his head. Iwaizumi didn't just reserve his playful aggression for Oikawa; Hanamaki, being his second-best friend, was no exception.

Matsukawa and Oikawa exchanged amused glances as they watched their boyfriends bicker. Oikawa couldn't help but laugh at their playful dynamic; it reminded him of the camaraderie he missed from his time on the volleyball team. As he reflected on those days, a pang of regret hit him-he wished he hadn't quit. But with graduation just a week away, those thoughts were bittersweet. Laughter bubbled up from deep within him, and tears of joy streamed down his cheeks as he reveled in the moment. His stomach hurt from laughing so much, but he cherished every second.

Iwaizumi and Hanamaki continued their comical argument, their yukatas swaying as they playfully attacked one another. Yahaba, slightly panicking, tried to intervene, while Kyoutani reassured him that everything was fine. Kindaichi laughed at the absurdity of it all, but Kunimi looked utterly exasperated, likely wishing he could escape at any moment. Meanwhile, Matsukawa fueled the lighthearted exchange, throwing in his own comments to keep the banter going.

After a while, Kunimi, fed up with the antics, finally spoke up. "Are you guys done now? I wasn't dragged here for this," he said, glaring at Kindaichi, who was beside him, as if expecting him to back him up.

With only an hour left before the highlight of the festival-the fireworks-Iwaizumi conceded defeat in the silly spat with Hanamaki, and the two began to talk normally again. Hanamaki suggested that he and Matsukawa head left, while Yahaba and Kyoutani would go right. Kindaichi, meanwhile, was being pulled away by Kunimi, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. The group watched as the juniors slowly disappeared into the crowd before they, too, separated to enjoy the festival with their partners.

Hanamaki instructed everyone to meet back at their original spot five minutes before the fireworks, and with the other couples in agreement, they set off to explore the festival. Oikawa took Iwaizumi's hand and led him through the bustling atmosphere, and Iwaizumi allowed himself to be pulled along.

Oikawa's eyes sparkled every time he spotted a food stall selling half of his favorite snacks. Naturally, Iwaizumi bought everything that made the brunette smile. He often wondered if there was ever a time when Oikawa wasn't hungry; the boy always seemed to be craving something, yet he somehow maintained his energetic demeanor.

As they continued to wander through the festival, Oikawa dragged Iwaizumi along with an infectious enthusiasm, as if he could walk forever, savoring the moment.

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