twenty three

4 1 0

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a soft glow over the campus as Iwaizumi walked alongside Oikawa, their footsteps echoing in the quiet night. The cool breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and the stars twinkled above, creating a perfect backdrop for their leisurely stroll.

"I can't believe you aced that music theory exam," Iwaizumi said, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "You must have some secret study technique."

Oikawa chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Maybe I just have a secret weapon," he replied playfully, nudging Iwaizumi with his shoulder. "But really, it was just about making the right connections. Kind of like us, right?"

Iwaizumi felt his heart warm at Oikawa's words, the affectionate tone laced in his voice. "Yeah, just like us," he echoed softly, feeling the truth of it resonate deep within him. They had found their way back to each other, and it felt like a miracle.

As they approached Oikawa's dorm, the tension in the air shifted, replaced with a comfortable familiarity. Iwaizumi hesitated for a moment at the entrance, his gaze lingering on Oikawa. "Are you sure you want me to stay over? You know it's a tight squeeze in your room," he asked, half-joking but genuinely wanting to respect Oikawa's space.

Oikawa shrugged, a playful grin spreading across his face. "I think I can manage. Plus, I'd feel safer with you here. Who knows what kind of trouble I might get into alone?" His laughter danced in the air, lightening Iwaizumi's heart.

"Alright, if you insist," Iwaizumi replied, unable to resist the warmth that Oikawa brought into his life. As they entered the dorm, Oikawa turned on the light, and the small space illuminated, revealing a cozy chaos of sheet music, textbooks, and personal mementos.

Oikawa flopped down onto his bed, stretching out with a content sigh. "Make yourself at home, Iwa-chan!" he called out, his tone inviting. Iwaizumi chuckled and settled into the chair at the desk, looking around the room. It was a reflection of Oikawa-a blend of creativity and clutter that felt familiar and comforting.

"Looks like a tornado hit this place," Iwaizumi teased, picking up a stray sheet of music and pretending to examine it seriously. "Are you sure you're ready for your next performance? This looks more like a disaster zone than a practice space."

"Hey! That's my artistic expression!" Oikawa shot back, laughing as he tossed a pillow at Iwaizumi, who caught it effortlessly.

As the evening wore on, they shared stories, laughter, and memories, their connection deepening with each passing moment. Iwaizumi found himself captivated by Oikawa's passion as he spoke animatedly about his love for music, his hands dancing in the air, illustrating his thoughts.

Eventually, as the night grew late, Iwaizumi moved to sit on the edge of Oikawa's bed, their knees brushing together. "I'm glad we're here, like this," he said softly, looking into Oikawa's eyes. "I've missed it."

Oikawa's expression softened, and he nodded, the playful glint in his eyes turning serious. "Me too, Hajime. It feels right."

They lingered in the moment, the weight of their shared past and hopeful future hanging in the air. Iwaizumi leaned closer, his heart racing as he brushed a strand of hair away from Oikawa's forehead. The simple touch sent shivers down his spine, and Oikawa looked up at him, vulnerability shining through his gaze.

"Can I stay here for a while?" Iwaizumi asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Always," Oikawa replied, his smile reassuring.

As they settled into a comfortable silence, Iwaizumi realized that no matter where life took them, moments like this made everything worthwhile. The connection they shared was strong and real, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. In that cozy dorm room, surrounded by the chaos of Oikawa's life, Iwaizumi felt at home.


As the first rays of dawn peeked through the thin curtains of Oikawa's dorm room, the soft light bathed the space in a warm glow. Oikawa stirred from his dreams, his body still heavy with sleep. He blinked a few times, trying to orient himself in the gentle haze of morning.

The first thing he noticed was the familiar weight around his waist. He glanced down and found Iwaizumi nestled against him, his face peaceful and serene in sleep. Oikawa felt his heart swell at the sight. It felt like a beautiful dream, one he wished he could hold onto forever.

In that moment, everything felt right. Memories flooded back-lazy mornings spent tangled in each other's arms, whispering secrets and sharing laughter, all the times they had found solace in one another. The warmth of Iwaizumi's body against his was a comfort that had been missing for too long.

He couldn't help but smile, a soft grin spreading across his face as he traced a gentle finger along Iwaizumi's arm, marveling at how familiar this felt. It was as if they had been pulled back into a time when everything was simpler, when they were just two boys in love without the complications that life had thrown their way.

"Hey, Hajime," Oikawa whispered, his voice thick with sleep and affection. Iwaizumi stirred slightly but didn't wake. Oikawa felt a sudden wave of affection wash over him. He wanted to hold onto this moment, to imprint it in his memory forever.

With a soft laugh, Oikawa leaned closer, resting his chin atop Iwaizumi's head. The warmth radiating from him was intoxicating, and he inhaled deeply, breathing in Iwaizumi's familiar scent-a mixture of soap, cologne, and something uniquely him.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," he murmured again, his tone teasing. He couldn't help but find joy in the little moments, in the way Iwaizumi always seemed to fit perfectly in his arms.

Finally, Iwaizumi stirred awake, blinking slowly as he registered his surroundings. His eyes widened slightly when they landed on Oikawa, and a sleepy smile broke across his face. "Tooru?" he croaked, voice hoarse from sleep.

"Yeah, it's me," Oikawa replied, his heart fluttering at the sight of Iwaizumi's sleepy grin. "Good morning."

"Morning," Iwaizumi mumbled, shifting closer as if seeking out the warmth of Oikawa's body. He nestled into Oikawa's chest, a small contented sigh escaping his lips. Oikawa felt a thrill run through him at the familiarity of the gesture, the way it reminded him of all the mornings they had shared together.

Oikawa let his fingers weave through Iwaizumi's hair, gently massaging his scalp. "Did you sleep well?" he asked softly, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment.

"Better than I have in a long time," Iwaizumi replied, his voice muffled against Oikawa's shirt. "It's nice waking up like this again."

"Right?" Oikawa felt a rush of warmth at the words, his heart dancing with the possibilities of their rekindled connection. "I missed it so much."

They lay there in comfortable silence, the world outside slowly coming to life. Oikawa reveled in the feeling of Iwaizumi's heartbeat against him, steady and reassuring. He had thought that they might never return to moments like this, but now, everything felt different, brighter.

"Can we stay like this a little longer?" Iwaizumi finally asked, lifting his head to look into Oikawa's eyes, vulnerability etched in his gaze.

"Always," Oikawa promised, pulling Iwaizumi closer. In that embrace, they shared a moment that transcended words, a silent acknowledgment of the love that had never truly faded. The world outside could wait; for now, it was just them, wrapped in each other's arms, basking in the warmth of a second chance.

One Last Time // Iwaoi.Where stories live. Discover now