I do

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Vaggie felt something poke her in the cheek followed by a familiar italain accent saying “Wake up bitch.”

The woman groaned. “Angel, why its so early?”

“Its your wedding day and you got work to do.” The tall man loomed over the bed.

Vaggie’s eye was hardly even open. “Its not even light outside, I set my alarm an hour from now.”

“Yeah that’s not enough time, you were too geenrus with the beauty sleep, not enough with the wedding prep.” Her maid of honour continued to jab her in the arm over and over again.

The woman with grey skin rolled over onto her stomach. “I gave myself plenty of time, the weddings at five pm its now five am.”

“It’ll take at least two hours for your makeup, three for your hair, half an hour to get you into that dress and you need a bath.” The man ordered.

“I have plenty of time for that now let me sleep.” Vaggie pulled the covers above her head, only to have Angel yank them off.

“You’re such a dick Angel!” Vaggie sat up and spoke through her teeth.

Angel grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out of bed. “Go take a bath, I’ll get you some breakfast.”

Vaggie was given a happy surprise when there was already a bath made for her. Seemed like something a little too sweet for Angel to do.

There was a note attached to the sink. “Angel told me he was waking you up early, so I ran you a bath! See you later Vaggie.” With about fifteen little hearts drawn from crayon.

Vaggie smiled, disrobed and sat into the bath. A rubber duck with the same hair as Charlie floated towards her.

Vaggie imagined the beautiful wedding cake they would share that day, with two little icing rubber ducks on them. She hadn’t seen this one before, Charlie must have made it this morning to keep her entertained.

It always took Vaggie a long time to wash and dry her almost Rapunzel length hair. Maybe Angel had a point about waking her up so early. She sure as hell wasn’t going to say that though.

Charlie was usually the one who helped blow dry and brush her hair after she washed it, but the two of them made this deal to not sleep in the same room a week before the wedding. Vaggie hadn’t really thought about just how often the two had sex until they were separated for a week.

Vaggie squeezed the excess water out of her hair and tied it up in a towel.

Angel was currently drying it off, it was taking longer than it usually did.

“Why is it taking so long?” She complained.

“I’m curling it, and if you curl even slightly damp hair its going to be fried to shit.” Angel expected her to know more about hair care than this.

“You know I usually have bacon with my breakfast.” Vaggie jokingly complained as she ate the scrambled eggs and tofu whatever the fuck meat it was trying to replicate.

Angel gasped offended at the implication. “Right in front of Fat nuggets?”

“Sorry.” She apologised to the pig who was eating an apple.

Vaggie did not enjoy sitting still for hours as Angel style her hair. He wasn’t the most gentle about it and her back was starting to hurt. But she had to admit, even with her lack of self esteem she looked gorgeous when he was done.

“Wow, you did a great job.” The bride admired her elegant white curls.

“I know.” Angel smirked putting down his curling iron. As for the makeup they had agreed to do a softer more romantic look for her makeup. Not the glamorous stuff Angel had tried to her before.

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