First day of college ! 🦋

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Chapter 31 : First day of college..

"It's okay everything will be good okay let's just go and meet the principal once" tabish said as he and zoya was going towards the principal office of her medical college

"I hope so" she said and they entered the principal office

"Hii mr mirza and mrs mirza" the principal greeted them gesturing to sit

"Hi mr singh" tabish replied while zoya smiled a little

After talking and understanding the rules and etc tabish bid bye to zoya not before kissing her forehead

With fast heartbeats and slow steps she was going towards her class room taking a deep breath she entered and saw everyone was busy in their own

There was stood a lady in her late thirties who smiled at her and gestured her to come near and she did as she gesture

"Excuse me class!!" the lady who was probably the teacher said grabbing everyone attention

"She is your new classmate MRS ZOYA AHMAD MIRZA" the teacher introduced and zoya small smiled looking at everyone but they didn't paid much attention

"I hope you will get along with everyone all the best myself Mrs Diya Sharma" she said noticing her nervousness who just nodded

"Hey newbie come here" a girl who looked one year younger than her said

"Hey..?" zoya replied going towards her

"Myself Naina you can sit beside me" naina said warmly and zoya nodded

"I guess you're nervous?" Naina said looking at her forehead which was full with sweats

"Umm yes as it's first day so" zoya said taking a deep breath and smiled

"Hey zoya" another girl from her left side said

"Hey umm?" Zoya said confused as in her right side sat naina and left side her who she didn't know ofcourse

"Myself Roshni Malik" the girl introduced and zoya smiled nodding

Soon the classes started and she paid attention to everyone class and every word said by the teachers only Roshni and naina has talked to her

"Thank you allah except these two no one is talking to me because I don't like talking much with strangers" she thought to herself

"Come let's go the canteen" naina said and roshni nodded and looked towards zoya

"Okay I will also come" zoya said understanding what their look said and they went to the canteen

"Can I ask you something?" Roshni said sitting at the canteen table along with zoya and naina

"Yes" zoya said not wanting to be rude

"Are you really married or it's mam mistake?" roshni asked and naina also nodded as she also wanted to know the same

"I'm really married it's been one week to my marriage" she said and they looked at her as she was an alien

"Love or arrange?" They both asked in unison and zoya chuckled

"Love and yes I'm also not forced" zoya said understanding their reactions

"Nice he must be a lucky guy" naina said smiling and zoya blushed a little

"Show us our brother in law" roshni said along with naina so zoya nodded and showed them their wedding pictures

"Wow I mean you got a handsome man huhh" naina said raising her eyes brows

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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