First concert

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Travis's POV

The roar of the crowd was deafening, echoing in my chest like the final seconds of a tight game. But this wasn't the familiar stadium roar I was used to. This was something else entirely. The Eras Tour, with Taylor Swift at the center of it all, had transformed this stadium into a different kind of battlefield—one filled with glitter, sequins, and pure emotion. I leaned back in my seat, arms crossed, trying to soak it all in.

I didn't know much about Taylor's music before tonight. Honestly, if you'd asked me a year ago to name five of her songs, I might've struggled. But now? Well, now I knew more than I ever thought I would. It was Keleigh, Miles's wife, who had convinced me to come. She'd been raving about Taylor for months, and after all the talk, I figured I might as well see what all the fuss was about.

Besides... there was something else. A small thing, really. I reached into my jacket pocket, my fingers brushing against the smooth, handmade beads. A friendship bracelet. It had taken me way longer than I'd like to admit to put it together. I'd Googled the whole thing after seeing some post about fans making these and trading them at the concerts. It seemed like a fun, innocent gesture—just something to get me out of my comfort zone.

Well, maybe it wasn't *just* fun.

I glanced down at the bracelet in my hand. The tiny beads spelled out "T-K." Not too obvious, right? Just enough to make it clear it came from me. I didn't know what I expected—Taylor Swift to see it and instantly think, *Oh, this guy's a real catch.* It wasn't like that. But part of me wanted to at least try. Maybe it was stupid, but it felt like a way to connect with her, even if she didn't know I existed.

The lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted again. Taylor stepped onto the stage, her voice cutting through the air with power and grace. She had this presence—commanding yet approachable. I couldn't take my eyes off her. It was hard not to get swept up in it, the way she had everyone hanging on her every word, every note. Keleigh was right; this was an experience.

I found myself weirdly captivated. She had this energy, something electric that made her seem larger than life. And then there was her smile—a mixture of vulnerability and strength. I could see why people adored her. Still, reality started to sink in as the concert went on. How was I, this giant football player, supposed to hand a bracelet to one of the biggest stars on the planet? It was laughable. I mean, did I really think I'd just waltz up after the show and give it to her? What would I even say?

By the time the final song played and the confetti began raining down, I hadn't made a move. The bracelet still sat in my pocket, untouched. I stood there, watching as Taylor took her final bow and disappeared backstage, the crowd still buzzing around me.

"Man, you alright?" Miles nudged me as we started to make our way out of the stadium.

"Yeah," I muttered, forcing a smile. "Just... thinking."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't press. Miles knew me well enough to sense when something was on my mind, but he wasn't the type to push. He had his arm wrapped around Keleigh, who was still giddy from the concert. They made a cute couple, and as I watched them, something tugged at my chest. It wasn't jealousy exactly, more like... longing. I wanted that. Not the fame or the attention—but the connection. The real thing.

As we made our way through the crowd, Keleigh turned to me, still buzzing with excitement. "Wasn't that amazing? I told you, Trav, she's incredible live!"

"Yeah, she was," I admitted. "It was a good show."

Keleigh beamed. "Oh, and by the way, we're heading backstage for a minute. Taylor's expecting us."

I stopped in my tracks. "Wait, what?"

"Yeah," Miles grinned. "Keleigh's friends with her, remember?"

Right. I had forgotten that tiny detail. I felt the weight of the bracelet in my pocket again. Maybe this was it. This was my chance.

As we approached the backstage area, security let us through without much fuss, thanks to Keleigh. My heart pounded a little harder with each step. The idea of actually seeing her up close, of *maybe* handing her the bracelet, was starting to feel real.

But when we got closer, one of Taylor's crew members stepped forward, stopping us in our tracks.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice firm but polite, "Taylor's on vocal rest tonight. She won't be seeing anyone after the show."

I blinked, the excitement draining out of me. *Vocal rest?*

Keleigh frowned, stepping forward. "Oh, no, it's just us. We're close friends, she won't mind."

The crew member smiled apologetically but shook her head. "I understand, but she really can't talk to anyone right now."

My stomach sank. I felt a little silly now, the bracelet in my pocket suddenly seeming like a childish thing. I shoved my hands deeper into my jacket, trying to hide my disappointment. This was stupid. Why had I even thought I could—

"Well, that's a bummer," Miles said, his eyes flicking toward me. I could tell he'd picked up on how deflated I felt.

Keleigh sighed, clearly a bit disappointed herself, but she wasn't the one who had made a bracelet with the hope of giving it to Taylor. She was friends with her already. I wasn't even on her radar.

As we turned to head back, Miles sidled up next to me, a grin starting to form on his face.

"What's that look for?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh, nothing. Just, you know... playing a little cupid." His grin widened, and before I could ask what the hell he was talking about, he motioned for me to stop walking. "Come on, Trav. Don't look so down. You still got that bracelet, right?"

I blinked, glancing down at my pocket. "Yeah, but what's the point? I can't just leave it lying around."

Miles chuckled, shaking his head like he was talking to a kid who didn't understand the game. "Why not let me play middleman? I'll see what I can do."

"What do you mean?" I asked, unsure if I should be relieved or embarrassed.

He raised an eyebrow, looking at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Keleigh's friends with her, remember? I'll give it to her. Tell her you made it."

I froze for a second, unsure how to respond. "You'd do that?"

"Why not? I mean, you were going to do it anyway. I'm just helping you out." He gave me a friendly shove. "Let me handle this. Taylor's going to know about this 'T-K' bracelet one way or another."

I hesitated for a moment, then slowly pulled the bracelet from my pocket and handed it to him. "Alright, fine. Just... don't make it weird."

Miles laughed. "Me? Weird? Never."

Keleigh caught up to us, noticing the exchange. "What are you two up to?"

"Miles is just, uh... playing matchmaker, apparently," I said, trying to sound casual.

She smirked knowingly. "Oh? So, we're delivering friendship bracelets now?"

I flushed a little, but Miles shot her a wink. "Exactly. Cupid's got this one covered. We'll see what Taylor thinks."

As we walked out of the stadium, my nerves started to ease, though I still felt a knot of anticipation in my gut. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but something told me this wasn't the end of it.

A few hours later, while sitting at the bar with Miles and Keleigh, my phone buzzed. A message from Miles, sent while I was sitting right next to him.

*Just gave it to her. She smiled. More to come, my friend. More to come.*

I stared at the screen for a second, my heart thudding in my chest.

Maybe I hadn't given her the bracelet myself, but something told me this was just the beginning.

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