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Taylor's POV

The final show of the Eras Tour was finally here. It felt like both the culmination of an incredible journey and the beginning of something entirely new. As I stood backstage, the energy of the crowd reverberated through me, but I could barely keep my eyes open. The nausea had been relentless these past few weeks, and even now, as the adrenaline of the tour was at its peak, I felt its weight pressing on me.

I took a deep breath and adjusted my costume, trying to shake off the wave of queasiness that was threatening to overwhelm me. It was hard to believe that this was the last time I would step onto the stage for this tour. The past few months had been a whirlwind of performances, travel, and the new reality of being pregnant. It had been tough managing everything, but the support and love from my fans had kept me going.

I grabbed my phone, and as always, I checked for a message from Travis. His job kept him in Kansas, and he couldn't be here for this final show, but he had promised to call me before and after every performance. Just the thought of hearing his voice always brought a smile to my face, even on the roughest days.

As the stage manager signaled it was almost time for me to go on, I saw a text from Travis.

Travis: Hey beautiful, I know you're about to head on stage. I wish I could be there with you. I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished. Just remember to breathe and take it one moment at a time. I'll be cheering you on from here. I love you and our little one so much. Can't wait to see you soon. 💕

I held the phone to my chest for a moment, feeling a surge of warmth and comfort. His words were a balm to my nerves. I took another deep breath and headed for the stage, the roar of the crowd growing louder with each step. As I stepped into the spotlight, the world seemed to shift into focus, and for a few precious hours, the nausea and fatigue melted away in the face of the overwhelming love and energy from the audience.

The show went by in a blur of lights and music. Despite the lingering nausea, I managed to give it my all. The crowd's energy was electric, and it was impossible not to get swept up in the excitement. Each song felt like a celebration, a testament to the journey I had been on, both personally and professionally.

When the final notes of the last song had faded away and the crowd's cheers began to die down, I made my way offstage, feeling a profound mix of relief and sadness. As I walked toward my dressing room, my thoughts were already on the call I'd have with Travis, eager to hear his voice and share the final moments of this tour with him.

Entering my dressing room, I was greeted by a delightful surprise. The room was filled with the sweet fragrance of fresh flowers. A large bouquet of vibrant blooms sat on the table, accompanied by a card.

I carefully opened the card, my heart swelling as I read Travis's handwritten note.

Hey beautiful,

Congratulations on an incredible tour! I know how hard you've worked and how much this means to you. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for the final show, but I've been thinking of you every moment. You've been amazing, and I'm so proud of you.

I can't wait to see you and our little one soon. I love you more than words can express. Enjoy this moment and know that I'm celebrating with you in spirit.

All my love,


Tears welled up in my eyes as I clutched the card to my chest. The words were more than I could have hoped for, a reminder of the love and support that was waiting for me back home. Despite the exhaustion and the challenges of the past few months, knowing that Travis was there for me, cheering me on from afar, made everything feel worth it.

I took a moment to let the emotions settle, then gathered the flowers in my arms and walked out of the dressing room. The tour had come to an end, but as I looked forward to reuniting with Travis and starting this new chapter of our lives, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and anticipation.

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