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10:51 pm

Unknown number

Hey! It's Taylor. I got your bracelet with your number on it. 😊

10:17 PM

Taylor: Hey, Taylor! Wow, wasn't expecting this. I hope you liked the bracelet. 😅

10:20 PM

Taylor: I did! It was super sweet. I've gotten a lot of bracelets, but yours was different. How long did it take you to make?

10:23 PM

Travis: Let's just say I'm not a natural at arts and crafts. Took me longer than I'd like to admit. 😂

10:26 PM

Taylor: I'm impressed! Athletes making friendship bracelets—it's a new trend, right? 😉

Tuesday, 10:28 PM]

Travis: It's gonna be the next big thing. Just wait till you see me making bracelets on the sidelines.

10:31 PM

Taylor: I'd pay to see that. 😄 Maybe I'll write a song about it! "The Tight End with the Beads" has a nice ring to it.

Tuesday, 10:33 PM

Travis: I'll start drafting some lyrics. It's gonna be a hit. 😎

10:40 PM

Taylor: On a serious note, I appreciate the gesture. It made my day. I heard you were at the show too? What did you think?

10:42 PM

Travis: I was there. To be honest, I didn't know what to expect. But you were incredible. The energy, the whole vibe—it was something else. I get why people love you now.

10:45 PM

Taylor: Aw, thanks! That means a lot. 😊 My shows can be a lot, so I'm glad you survived the Swiftie madness!

10:47 PM

Travis: I barely made it out alive. All those screaming fans... intense! But the show? Worth it.

10:49 PM

Taylor: Haha! I'm glad you think so. Maybe next time, I'll have to come to one of your games. Gotta see what all this Kelce hype is about.

10:51 PM

Travis: Oh, you're definitely gonna need to come to a game. Different kind of energy, but I think you'll handle it.

10:53 PM

Taylor: Challenge accepted. 💪

11:00 PM

Taylor: So... did you put your number in the bracelet, or was that all Miles? 😂

11:02 PM

Travis: Yeah... that was 100% Miles. I didn't even know he did that. I guess he figured I needed help. 😂

11:04 PM

Taylor: He's not wrong! But hey, I'm glad he did. It gave me a reason to text you.

11:06 PM

Travis :Then I owe Miles one. 😏


12:15 PM

Taylor: Hey! What's a normal day like for you during the season? I feel like you guys have such a crazy schedule.

12:17 PM

Travis: It's pretty nuts. Lots of early mornings, practice, meetings, then recovery. But honestly, I love it. Keeps me focused. How about you? Bet you're just as busy.

Wednesday, 12:20

Taylor: Definitely! The tour has been intense. I'm usually on stage every night, and when I'm not, I'm either writing or doing promo. It's exhausting, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

12:23 PM

Travis: We've both got wild schedules. You ever get downtime?

12:25 PM

Taylor: Haha, what's that? 😄 No, but seriously, I try to carve out time to just relax. Movies, books, catching up with friends. What about you?

12:27 P

Travis: Pretty much the same. I'm into movies too. When I get a rare free day, I'll binge a series or just chill with some friends. Gotta have balance, right?

12:30 PM

Taylor: Absolutely. What's your go-to movie?

12:32 PM

Travis: Oh, that's tough. I'm a sucker for action and comedies, but honestly, I love animated movies too. *Finding Nemo*? Classic. 😎


Taylor: Omg, yes! *Finding Nemo* is one of my favorites too! We're already off to a great start. 😂


10:00 am

Taylor: Morning! How's practice going?

10:02 am

Travis: Hey! Practice is killer today, but it's all part of the grind. How's the tour treating you?

10:05 am

Taylor: Exhausting, but worth it. I'm in the middle of soundcheck right now, but I had to text you. How are your legs after all those sprints? 😅


Travis: Legs are screaming. But no pain, no gain, right? 💪 How's soundcheck going?

10:10 am

Taylor: It's good! A little stressful, but I'm used to it. I'll never complain about screaming legs though. Yours sound way worse. 😂


11:45 pm

Taylor: Okay, serious question—what's your favorite cheat meal? I need ideas.


Travis: Easy. Pizza. No contest. 😋

11:50 pm


That's solid. I'm more of a burger and fries girl, but pizza's definitely up there.

11:52 pm

Travis: A girl after my own heart. You gotta try both at once—pizza AND a burger. Best cheat meal combo ever.


Taylor: Now you're just being dangerous. 😂 I might have to try that on a day off though!  

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