Episode 0: Three Friends, Tranquil Days

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Aryll knocked on my door one morning, around 7:00 AM

"I heard the knock, and said "Who's there?" I answered it, it was probably Aryll! She knocks on my door every morning so we can all spend all day outside with Link. We called ourselves "The ALO Outset Trio"

"Hi Octavia! We always have so much fun playing outside all day! My big brother is still asleep.. tomorrow is his birthday though. Hey! I got you this, it is my favorite picture of us, looking up at the Milky Way galaxy!"

I said "A locket! Thank you so much Aryll!"

We hugged, and then ran up to the lookout tower "whoever gets there last will have to walk a lap around the island!" Aryll laughed as we began to chase each other. "Wait for me!" I said "Hey I won! You gotta walk your lap Aryll!"

She walked her lap.

Link, Aryll, and I all lived on Outset Island, it was a nice little town, it had a very small population, it was just Link, Aryll, their grandmother, my dad and I, one other family, and some elderly brothers nextdoor to me. There weren't that many stores in town, except for a small boat store, and a little market where we would get groceries. There weren't any roads where I lived, because it was a small island so there couldn't be any roads built, as the little island can't fit vehicles like cars, so we went everywhere by boat. There is not much access to technology, which is a good thing, because there would be a bunch of iPad kids here, this is the only place in the world where technology of that sort exists, there are a few things, like a pictobox, which comes in two models, a regular pictobox, then a deluxe pictobox, that can take photos in color. and there was an ancient tech device that I had, but I was the only one I knew that had access to such technology.

Link said "Hi I'm awake! Sorry I like sleeping in!"

I forgave him and said "Hmm.. it's okay! I sure hope it doesn't rain today!"

Unless it was foul weather, the three of us would be outside all day, Aryll and I both woke up before Link, so we would just hang out on the lookout tower until Link woke up and met us up there. After that, we would spend all day either on the rope swing in my mom's garden, there was a time when the swing could hold all three of our weight, but now it definitely can't hold all three of us, but it can probably hold two of us at a time.

Link said "Octavia, about that rock skipping tournament, you beat me real hard yesterday by 7 points, and just for that, I demand a rematch!"

I said in a joking voice "Well, your birthday is tomorrow.. put it on your birthday list!"

I said "Just kidding let's go!"

Link and I spent quite a bit of time searching for these rocks to do the contest with.

Link said "JACKPOT. I found an AWESOME thing of rocks! You want a flat one or else it won't work."

I said "Oh here, let me flatten it. Using a tool from the local mine.  My dad taught me! Use this tool, and it will flatten the rock! Okay, now you try!"

Link said "I'm gonna throw it now!"

I threw mine right after

Link said "Yay I won!"

Link said "I wanna show you something awesome. I'm gonna dive head first off the lookout tower into the ocean.  "Do you wanna do it too?"

Marco!! Pollo! "Aww come on.. you found me Link.."

I said "I don't think we should be swimming this far in the ocean.."

Link said "Hmm.. I don't think so either.. Whatever do you want to go hiking?"

I nodded.

"After this, can we have a rock skipping contest. You beat me last time and I demand a rematch." Link replied. I laughed "sure. Ask for that for your birthday tomorrow!"

After we got back from our hike, link said "you know what, my hair is drenched in salt water, I'm gonna go take a shower inside, I'll be back!"

I climbed the lookout tower and saw my other friend Aryll on the lookout tower feeding some seagulls. I said "hey Aryll! Are you feeding some more gulls?" She replied "Yes, I save up all my crumbs from meals or stuff, and I feed them to the gulls."

I said "I save up mine too, mind if I join?"

She said "I don't mind! It's getting dark out though.."

Link walked into the ship store and asked for a Hyoi pear. "Are you still open?"

The shopkeeper said "We're about to close, but you are a frequent customer, so I think you can get one! 10 rupees please!"

He paid the guy 10 rupees and he went outside.

Aryll said "Hmm.. it looks like they are being controlled by something.."

"Is that you Big Brother?"

I said "I thought you were taking a shower."

He said "I lied. I just noticed trying to make sure neither one of you get attacked by one of those, they can get aggressive if you feed them too much."

"They're a bit stupid too, I'm helping you two plus that dumb seagull too from using the last of its brain cells. Okay they've had enough food. Now both of you stop feeding those!"

Aryll said "Wow! The sun is almost completely down! Look! A shooting star! Well? What did you wish for?" I said.. "Hmm not telling you. How about you?"

She said "I wished for more amazing times with you and Link, and I hope he has a fun birthday tomorrow and we have a fun time seeing the meteor shower."

"Umm.. Aryll.. you know if you say your wish out loud it's not going to come true, right?"

Link said "I warned my sister so many times.. she doesn't listen."

I said "why of course not.. it's Aryll.. See you both here tomorrow for the meteor shower."

Aryll had some wide eyed look and said "Big brother?"

Aryll said "I'm going home, I'm tired. "He's probably asleep on the lookout tower.."

I sighed "of course he is.. it's Link.. I'm going to keep playing my instrument out here, it's dark out.. I've been hearing this song lately in my sleep but when I wake up I forget it completely, so I'm trying to recall how it goes. See you tomorrow Aryll!"

I was the only child born to two elderly parents.  When I was just a 4 years old, my mom unfortunately passed away from an accident involving an empty bottle of sage leaves.

My elderly father yelled "Octavia, come inside! It's getting late!"

I went back in my house. I replied "Okay Dad!" He said "You've been out pretty late, haven't you!" My dad is a nice elderly man, who I feel honored to have as a father. He said "You're getting very good at the mandolin! I think we have a future professional mandolinist here!" I said "Thanks so much dad!"

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