☆ chapter 4 ☆

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The next day in English, I sat next to Dylan rather than in the back. He seemed to be in a better mood, but he still sounded sad. I felt like I owed him something for the incident with Rocky. My stomach growled and I got embarrassed. I had skipped breakfast. He did not acknowledge it, though. I appreciated that.

We joked around the whole period, but we weren't missing much because it was only our second class. He casually mentioned his birthday was coming up. I took note of it so I could surprise him. I still acted very touchy around him. I felt incredible guilt and I was unsure of how to repay him. Then, an idea came to mind.

"So, you mentioned your birthday is coming up in a few weeks, what do you think you're gonna do to celebrate?" I asked him.

"I don't really know. I don't normally do much. The day of, I just have dinner with my family, my brother visits from college, and not much else. I might have Eric and you over on the Saturday after. You know, if you'd be interested, that is." I smiled.

I couldn't bring it up to him, but I was thinking of maybe throwing him a surprise party. I felt like he was very shy and would not throw a party on his own. Maybe this would make him feel appreciated.

After lunch, I found Eric in the hallway and decided to bring it up to him.

"Hey Eric, can I ask you about something?" He turned to me from his locker and gave a quick nod. "Okay, so I was thinking that I should throw Dylan a surprise party for his birthday in three weeks. What are your thoughts?"

"Go for it. It'd probably make him really happy but he's not that expressive if you couldn't tell. I'll go and I'm sure other folks at the table would, too. Just ask around." I nodded in response and we parted ways.

Later, in theatre tech, I sat with Dylan again. The teacher did not have much of a plan for class. About half of the groups from the first day hadn't finished their projects, so everyone who already had was free to use the time to study. Dylan and I just goofed around. As she eyed the room, the teacher's gaze set on us. She slowly approached us at the back of the auditorium. I was terrified she would yell at us and tell us to get back on task.

"Lily, Dylan, would you two mind going down to the supply closet and getting the box of spotlight batteries? It seems to be acting up and flickering."

"Sure." Dylan hopped up and looked at me, waiting for me to follow. I didn't know where this closet was so I let him lead me down the hall.

We made a couple turns before reaching a tiny wooden door without a window on it like most classroom doors had. There was a label beside it indicating it should not be used by students without teacher instruction. Dylan opened the door, noticing it seemed pretty have.

"Okay, they should be on one of the shelves in there. I'll stay out here and hold the door," he said.

Stepping into the closet, it was a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I examined the shelves on the back wall, looking for the box. I spotted it on the top shelf and groaned. I was only 5'2. I looked around and there was no step stool to be found. I tried jumping to get the box but i could barely reach the shelf itself.

"Dylan, I can't reach it!" I called.

"Okay, hold on," he replied as he walked in slowly, trying not to let go of the door. I pointed to the box and he held the door open with his foot. Even though the closet was small, he couldn't quite get to the box and hold the door at the same time.

"Let me try to get to the door," I said. I couldn't get past him in our current position. I had a face full of his red tee shirt.

"No, no, I got it," he grunted. He stretched a little more and finally grabbed the box. He whisked it down, in the process, moving his leg. We both jumped when the door slammed shut and the room went dark. "Ah, fuck!" he yelled. He felt around for a lightswitch and finally pulled on one. The soft click illuminated us.

"Well, now what?" I muttered. He tossed the box onto a shelf and sighed. He knocked loudly on the door, each time making me cringe a little harder. He waited a few seconds and nothing happened. He jiggled the doorknob around with no prevail. When he turned back toward me, our chests brushed together. I felt my face getting heated due to the close quarters I was in with Dylan, but I'm sure he couldn't tell because it was still fairly dark.

"Any ideas?" he asked me, defeatedly. I thought briefly.

"Do you have a phone on you? Mine's in my bag."

He looked relieved. "Yeah, I do. I'll call Eric and ask him to let us out. I think he has a study now, anyways." He pulled out his bulky phone and started pressing buttons. The ringing effect played and he held it up to his ear while looking at me. After a while, Eric picked up. "Hey, Reb. You know the old supply closet by the auditorium? Yes. Of course I am. Lily's in here, too. Shut up!" He stopped looking at me as he yelled that. I heard Eric laughing over the phone. "Can you come let us out? Finally! Bye." He hung up and rolled his eyes, stuffing the phone into his back pocket.

I giggled a little. Of course this would only happen to me and of course the person I was stuck with was my crush. Did I just admit that? I guess I did.

"While we're here, and before I forget, I was thinking that for, you know, future reference and such, it'd be pretty helpful if I had, um, your number?" he asked. I smiled.

"Oh definitely. You know, for reference," I laughed. I looked around the closet and plucked a pen from one of the boxes, uncapping it and grabbing his right hand with my left. It was pretty sweaty but mine was too. I scribbled my number onto it and added my name with a smiley face. I capped the pen and tossed it back, without letting go of his hand. It felt a bit weird, but I did not want to let go until I absolutely had to, which ended up being shortly afterwards as Eric swung the door open.

"Get out now cus I ain't waiting around," he said. Dylan let go of my hand, something Eric clearly noticed, and grabbed the door, holding it for me on my way out.

"Thanks, Reb."

"Okay, if that's all you need, I'm out." He turned on his heel and marched back down the hallway, leaving Dylan and me alone to brew in our own awkwardness.

That night, it was a Friday. It was only eight pm and I had already showered and I was ready to read for a few hours when my phone rang from my nightstand. I picked it up and looked at the ID: unknown number. I answered cautiously.


"Hey, Lily?" I recognized his voice instantly and started smiling uncontrollably.

"Yes. Is this, let me guess, Dylan?" I joked.

He laughed softly. "Thank god you didn't give me a fake number."

"Now why would I do that?" I moved over to sit on my bed and played with my hair.

"Well, I'm a huge dork and you're way cooler than me, so I wouldn't have been surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised." I giggled at his joke.

"Lucky for you, I happen to think, if anything, that you are too cool for me. I mean, what dork would get into a fight for me? That was pretty badass."

We talked on the phone for a while. I couldn't stop smiling when I thought about him. His sparkling blue eyes. His adorable smile. His tall and gawky stature that I could stare at for hours. He was incredible. I really hoped he thought similar of me.

"Well, I think I should go. I might call you tomorrow, that is, if you're willing to waste another hour on me." I was sad he had to leave but happy that he wanted to talk again.

"Yes. Definitely."

"Oh, by the way, would you want to h-hang out sometime? I have work tomorrow but I'm free Sunday," he asked shakily.

My smile grew even wider. "I would love to. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye."

"Bye, Lily."

Neither of us hung up for a few seconds. It got too awkward for me so I ended the call. I covered my face with my hands because I was so happy. I picked my phone back up and added him as a contact.

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