☆ chapter 7 ☆

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Dylan's surprise party was almost ready. Most of his friends were at my house, Eric was almost here with the pizza, and I had successfully set up the banner all by myself. The music was off for now and everyone was staying away from the windows just in case. I made everybody park down the block.

I heard a knock at the back door and knew it was Eric. I slithered around the group of people to let him in. He was carrying five pizza boxes. I took them out of his hands and set them on the table with the drinks and paper plates.

"When's Dylan coming over?" Eric asked me, glancing at the clock.

"Any minute now, I told him to come over at six," I answered. "I'm gonna turn off the lights and have everyone hide."

"Ok, mind if I grab a drink first?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Go ahead," I told him. I clapped once, thankful for such a small guest list because everybody instantly looked to me. "Okay guys, He's gonna get here soon, so get in your places!" I announced. People began to duck behind chairs and under the tables as I shut off the lights and the radio. I stepped around the people behind the couch. "I'm gonna wait outside for him, I'll knock on the door once when we're coming in!" With that, I went to my front yard and sat on the steps, my heart racing.

Within five minutes, Dylan's car pulled into my driveway. My mom agreed to staying with a friend for the night, so he was the only one parked there. He hopped out and waved at me. I stood up and brushed my thighs off.

"Hey, Lily!" he called, jogging over to me.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked, too anxious to bring him inside just yet.

"Good, now that I'm here with you." He smiled.

"Ha, let's go inside." I grabbed his arm and led him behind me up to the door. Before opening it, I hit it with my foot, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oops," I muttered to keep it authentic.

We went inside.

"Why's it so dark in here?" he joked. I led him into the living room where everyone was waiting.

"Here, I'll turn on some lights." Dylan was facing the couch when I switched them all on. I was acutely aware of everybody's breathing in the milliseconds before they all jumped out.

"Surprise!" everybody yelled, including me. Dylan jumped a little and threw his hands over his mouth, his eyes darting across the room to take it all in.

"You did this for me?" he whispered, his eyes lighting up like a fire.

"Of course, now go enjoy your party!"

For the next few hours, Dylan let all his anxiety go and seemed to just have fun with all his friends. People were drinking beer, but I made sure to stay away from it. I noticed Dylan did, too. Later on in the party, a group of people gathered in front of the couch on the floor to play truth or dare. Dylan was there and I decided to join.

A few shitty dares went around. Nate Dykeman had to chug a beer can, which he then threw back up onto a paper plate with Robyn's pizza crust on it. Nate decided to sit out after that.

Eric called on Dylan. "Truth or dare, V?"

"Truth, I guess," he replied nervously.

Eric smirked. "Okay, hmmm... who's the hottest person here?" he asked.

I saw Dylan's eyes flicker to me, but maybe I was just imagining it. "Oh, uh, definitely Brooks!" he laughed, followed by most of the group. Brooks laughed the hardest.

"Watch it Klebold, I'm a huge player!" Brooks replied.

As funny as Dylan's joke was to the others, I wished he had said me. Oh well. I didn't really think it was that funny anyways.

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