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It was a Friday (TGIF- Thank god, it's Friday!). In the west, this day of the week is a goofy day. Officially it is a working day but, unofficially it's anything but a working day. Though, because we were our clients vendor, our weekends started only from Friday evenings.

Enjoying these evenings, we used to hang out in bunches at the discotheques, pubs, earing joints and bowling alleys. Or we would drive down to the nearest city hosting a movie show. And 'Silenced' was running in the Us theatres too, making me recall that troubled and tender night.

Weekends, onsite, were always fun. But there was something different this time - I had to face this question from people with whom I enjoyed my weekends during my past trips.

"But you used to booze, right? so what happened now?"

I wanted to tell them the truth but didn't. The reason being , in my earlier life (I mean, before I fell in love) I used to give them advice, telling them guys should not change themselves for girls. How could I tell them that I'd left my occasional liquor for a girl? So I had to give them fake reasons.

And I'll tell you what. It's hard to give fake reasons, for two reasons. First, there's tremendous pressure from friends, especially when they are totally drunk and start swearing on each other's name to make you drink. And second, my own willingness to booze.

But I didn't.

And I was happy that I kept my promise to her.

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