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I finished work, 11pm, I'm driving back to home, it's pouring outside, the weather is too bad these days. I saw my phone ringing, I picked up
-"What's going on" - I asked, I saw Olive's name on the phone and wondering why she's calling
-"Pick me up"
-"Where are you again" I said nonchalantly, where the fuck is she at this time.
-"I'm at my parents's house, my mom is here, so come and play gentlemen"
I rolled my eyes and hang up, driving to Mrs Lin's house.
     Mrs Lin opened the door, she smiled at me and I returned her smile. Olive is here too, with a suitcase in her hand, I chat a bit with her mother and then I get back to my car with Olive. I started driving, I asked Olive
    -"Why do you have a suitcase?"
    -"I have a business trip next week"
    -"When's the plane?"
    -"Monday, 1pm"
The rest of the ride was silent as always, I was personally thinking about what she said to me last time, she wanted love, this is so strange, why she wants my love? Should I give her love? Honesty I don't even know how to do that. Plus it will just make our relationship worse and weirder if I show affection to her. I tried to kick out all those thoughts from my mind, I thought about all the work I should do. This week was busy, I still have to finish some work with Josh. I should think about that whole new job interview thing because it's crucial for my company to have more employees. I stopped thinking at all those stuff when I finally parked the car and go back to the house. I take out my umbrella, I noticed Olive has one too, we both steeped in.
Here we go again, sleeping on each other's side of the bed, to be honest I can't even fell asleep, my mind reminding me all the things I should do. I checked my phone, 1am, Olive is already asleep, I can hear her breathing regularly. I closed my eyes focusing on her breath and then I finally felled asleep.

A day of basic work, Olive is leaving for her business trip tomorrow , I'll finally have a break of her. But to be honest I'm always so focused on work sometimes I just forget about Olive, well it's great because thinking of her will make me crazy. If you ever asked me to describe her I'll say: stubborn, grumpy, immature. She's the most annoying person I've ever met, and she's my wife. I bet she's pissing me off to push me asking for divorce, but somehow I didn't want to divorce. It's not that I like her or something, it's just that she's my wife, our marriage proves it even if it was fake. Her words are keep haunting me and I'm so sick of it. "Away from you. Divorce" she answered. This literally stabbed me, I shallowed back my own emotions and feelings when she said that in our previous argument. This feeling is weird, it's like if she actually divorce with me I'll won't be used to not seeing her everyday, sleeping in the same bed as her, feeling her presence.
I shake my head and coming back at my work.
After an hour I heard my assistant knocking at my desk
-"Come in"
-"Sir, you should take a look for the list of new candidates for the post"
Yeah , I completely forgot about that thing, I should check that too
-"Ok yeah I'll do it tomorrow"
My assistant nodded and he walked away.
I continued to work on my tasks, already 9pm I should probably go. I packed my bag and entered in my car, I drove home.

Back at home, my house is in the dark, no lights, maybe Olive is already asleep. I go upstairs in my room, she's sleeping in the bed, her suitcase opened in the middle of the room, it's a mess inside her suitcase. I walked to her and shake a bit her arm
-"Wake up"
She groaned
I pointed her suitcase
-"What's the problem?" She asked annoyed
-"You think this is how to pack a fucking suitcase?"
-"If you don't like my package you can do it."
The mess in her "packed" suitcase is frustrating me, it's not in order, and I'm just basically a maniac.
I throw out on the bed all the stuff she had in her suitcase.
-"Hey! Stop!" She grabbed my arm "What the hell are you doing?!"
-"Packing your suitcase again"
-"Are you fucking crazy?"
-"It's not my fault if you can't pack your own suitcase like a grown woman" I pushed her hand away from me
-"You-" she stopped in her sentence when I pulled out her bras, her cheeks turning into a light red shade blush
I stared at what I was handing: a very provocative bra. It's basically transparent, a black one then a red one, I'm going to loose it, why do she even have that. I thrown these bras at her
-"You don't need those things."
-"What-?!" She frowned her eyebrows and the blush on her cheeks unfortunately disappeared.
-"You're not taking those things with you."
-"Pff and why that?"
-"I'm not asking you"
-"These are just completely normal bras."
-"Wear it and you'll see how inappropriate this is."
-"I'm not going to."
-"See? You know perfectly well that's not appropriate. So you're not taking those with you."
She didn't try to complain, or contradict me, but she definitely wanted to stab me due to her dead stare.
I finally packed her suitcase, good and well, perfectly organized. It took me one whole hour due to Olive's remarks, and complains. I finally take a shower after that and go to bed. I didn't sleep much, Olive's alarm ringing at 6am. She prepared herself for approximately one hour, I dressed too.
-"I'll take you to the airport."
She looked surprised but she nodded. I take her to the airport, it's now 9am. I grabbed her suitcase while she's walking behind me with her eyes stuck at her phone.
       -"When you'll be back?" I asked
       -"Next Wednesday at 8pm"
       -"I don't know if I can pick you up at this time"
       -"It's ok I'll call Matt"
My jaw clenched a bit hearing that name, I really don't care about the fact that he's her "best friend", she's my wife, and I'm her husband so if I'm not picking her up, my assistant will do for me.
       -"No need, I'll ask Jack (my assistant) to pick you up" I said firmly
       -"You don't have to, Matt is my friend he'll do this with pleasure"
       -"And I'm your husband, If I want to plan a chauffeur for you ,you'll take it, end of discussion."
She just frowned her eyebrows, I expected a complain but no, nothing, she's probably tired of constantly contradicting me. We arrived at the tickets checkpoint and I handed her suitcase to her, she took it and I walked away after checking if she had everything with her.

     I drive to my company, 10am, I usually come at 8 or 9am to start working in my empty company but now almost all the employees are here. I walked in and some people greeted me, I greeted back politely. Jack came at me
      -"Boss, this is the planing of today" He handed me a piece of paper
      -"Ok I see" I checked the planning, a lot of meetings, and also the recruitment meeting.
      -"Do I have to call Mr Lin for the meeting at 2pm?"
      -"Yes call him, I'll need him to convince the new partners."
It's been a while that I didn't do a meeting with Josh, he's probably working on his own projects these days and didn't had the time to talk with me about the new project partner I had. He's an important person in this project, I have to convince him to work with me, and a bit with Josh too, he's crucial for my project and the expansion of my company. I'm working a lot on this project and I'll make it perfect. I thought about the job interviews too.
       -"How many job interviews do we have?" I asked to Jack while checking my phone
       -"one today, one tomorrow and two on the next Monday"
I walked to my desk and started working on my documents and stuffs. Almost two hours passed, I grabbed lunch with Josh at a restaurant, preparing our meeting with the partner after.
-"Olive took the plane this morning for England right?" He asked when we finished the presentation PowerPoint
-"Yeah she's probably on the plane right now" I checked at my watch, 1pm, she's definitely on the plane.
-"I see, my family organize diner for Olive's birthday by the way, you'll come right?"
Yeah right, Olive's birthday on the 26th of October, I completely forgot.
-"I don't know, I'll see if I have time."
-"I know you don't like her, and I'll understand if you don't want to assist"
-"She's basically leaving with me, it's not a party that'll kill me"
-"Alright, then tell me if you have time, your family is invited"
I nodded, we payed the bill and go back to my company for the meeting. A long but very essential meeting, we talked about economics for hours, Josh and me convincing the partner. The meeting finally ended, we shook hands and walked out the meeting room. Finally results of my hard work. They accepted the contract and is ready to work, collaborate with Josh and me. After the work , I grabbed a drink at bar with Josh, our usual routine after a long day of work.

     Josh joined me at the table where I was already taking a sip of my beer
      -"Yo" he said sitting in front of me
I give him a glass of beer too, he took it and took a sip of it.
     -"You had job interviews today don't you?" He asked
     -"Yeah, very boring, one hour of people who don't even know how to work in a company."
     -"I can give you a list of people that I think it's good, I don't need more employees"
     -"Thanks, I appreciate"
He nodded and we chatted and drank together.

    I'll be a liar if I say that I didn't imagined Olive with that provocative bra. I fantasized about it, and thought about it for the whole day I think. I'm so fucked up. My cock harden in my boxer, lucky I'm home now. I jerked myself off, I needed that, after all those pressure, all those thoughts, all those images that I pictured of Olive with one of those bras, oh lord. I'm crazy, totally crazy, thinking about her like that, picturing her in my mind like that. Why is she abroad now? Why did I see those bras? Oh my-  Am I missing her presence already? Or maybe I'm just being extremely needy. I want her, want her close, feel her around me, listening to her moans, how she whispers my name in my ear. Oh fuck.

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