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Taeron's POV

I went looking for her that morning. I didn't expect her to be in her chambers; she rarely was at this hour. Still, I knocked, hoping to catch her before I headed out. Her maid answered the door, informing me that Saera was in the garden but had requested to be alone.

That should have been enough to dissuade me. Normally, I would've left her to her solitude-she values it the way I value silence. But for some reason, I found myself heading toward the garden anyway, my thoughts wandering as I walked.

I'd missed her. More than I realized. In the days since we returned from the Copper Islands, the routine of the capital had settled over us again, and we hadn't spent much time together. I told myself it didn't matter, that things would go back to how they were. But the truth was, I'd grown used to having her around. And I liked it.

When I found her, she was farther from the castle than I expected, tucked away in a quiet corner of the garden near an old oak tree. I saw her before she saw me-she was completely focused on what she was doing. She had set up a round table against the tree, using it as a target for her daggers.

I stopped in my tracks, keeping my distance. Something about the way she moved... I couldn't look away. She wasn't just practicing. No, this was different. It was more intense, more deliberate. Each throw of the dagger was precise, each one landing dead center on the table with the same quiet thud.

I found myself leaning against a tree, watching her without saying a word.

I'd known Saera was skilled, of course-she had proven that many times. But seeing her like this, alone, completely absorbed in her movements, it was like seeing a side of her no one else knew. The grace in her precision was breathtaking, the sheer focus in her eyes... I'd never realized how much strength she carried, not just in her body, but in her spirit. She didn't just wield those daggers-she owned them.

And it was... captivating.

I felt a pull in my chest, something unfamiliar. I'd always respected her, always known she was more than just the woman I was supposed to marry. But this was different. Watching her now, I felt something deeper-a growing admiration that, I realized, wasn't just about her skill. It was about her.

I couldn't help but admire the way her hair fell, slightly tousled from her practice, or the small smile of satisfaction that tugged at her lips when she hit the center of the target again. That smile... it did something to me.

And that's when I knew-what I felt for her was no longer just respect or duty. It was something more, something that had quietly been building since our journey. I hadn't let myself acknowledge it before, but now it was there, staring me in the face.

I took a deep breath, staying hidden behind the trees. I wasn't ready to interrupt her, not yet. This was her moment, and I didn't want to ruin it. Besides, I found I rather liked watching her like this-without the weight of titles, expectations, or the roles we were supposed to play. Just Saera, fierce and focused, the woman she was beneath it all.

She was done after a few minutes. I watched her retrieve the last dagger from the table, rolling her shoulders as if to shake off the intensity of the session. I knew I should make my presence known then, but for a moment, I hesitated. Something about the way she stood there-calm and composed, as if the edge she had been working with had finally dulled-made me pause.

But I couldn't wait any longer. I stepped forward, moving out from behind the trees.

"You're making quite the habit of hiding out here," I said, my voice lighter than I felt.

She turned to face me, her expression cool at first. But when her eyes met mine, I saw the faintest flicker of surprise. Maybe she hadn't expected me to find her here, or maybe she didn't expect me to come at all.

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