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Earth: but why?

The blue and green planet was shocked as his former boyfriend Venus looked at the ground guilty.

Venus: I'm sorry I didn't want it to end like this but I'm in love with Mercury now.

Tears swelled and Earth's eyes Venice try to grab Earth's hand but Earth slapped him.

Earth: don't touch me I hate you.

Earth said as he ran away crying leavings Venus there feeling guilty.

Earth didn't know where he was going he was too busy thinking about what just happened he caught his boyfriend Venus cheating on him with Mercury.

The blue and green ball couldn't see where he was going because of the chairs and he ended up bumping into something.

Earth: Ah.. sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.

I look up and see something blue when I look closer I realize it was another planet it was about almost the same size as Neptune I think but all I knew was it was really big. It was a dark blue planet with piercing eyes.

Earth: I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into can you please help me find my way back to the solar system

???: hmm sure.

They started walking somewhere Earth didn't quite remember going to. He learned that his name was planet x.

After a little bit they suddenly stopped and then felt himself getting pinned on to the space floor.

Earth: w-what are you doing?

Planet x: I haven't been completely honest with you. Years ago I was kicked out of the solar system by those two stupid gas giants. And now I want revenge. I will destroy every single person there.

When Earth heard that he got really scared he thought about all of his friends and Luna.

Earth: please I'll literally do anything just don't hurt anyone.

Planet x looked at Earth they should like that for about 5 minutes.

Planet x: anything you say?

Earth: yes I'll do anything...

Planet x look at Earth for another moment. And then he finally spoke.

Planet x: if you are willing to give your body completely to me I will leave your little solar system alone.

Earth was shocked but he thought about the other planets and even if it meant giving himself to this guy for the rest of his life so be it at least the others will be safe.

Let's just say about 11 hours later Earth was limping back to his orbit.

Moon pov.

I was getting more and more worried I haven't seen Earth an hour's after a few minutes I finally saw him but he was limping. And he looks like he's been crying possibly because he broke up with Venus. But the good thing is now I get all of the Earth's attention.

Moon: Earth there you are I've been looking for you everywhere where have you been?

Earth looked at me with this really depressed and emotionless face and just gave me a smile.

Earth: sorry for worrying you Luna don't worry I'm fine I was just taking a little walk after my break up with Venus.

as Earth was talking clearly trying to change the subject I didn't listen I was too busy admiring his beautiful face despite him looking depressed for some reason no matter what State he's in or expression he makes I always found him beautiful.

as Earth was talking clearly trying to change the subject I didn't listen I was too busy admiring his beautiful face despite him looking depressed for some reason no matter what State he's in or expression he makes I always found him beautiful

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Venus pov.

I started from afar as Earth was talking to a Luna. Guilt feeling me that every second. I wasn't even listening to Mercury.

Mercury: then I said-hey are you listening?

I snapped back to reality and look at him.

Venus: oh yeah sorry I was just thrown out.

Mercury: really what were you thinking about?

Venus: just how much I love you

I said I had to admit I felt bad for lying to him. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek and we continued our conversation but I kept thinking about Earth.

Time skip

For the past few days I've been noticing that has been acting a little strange lately. He's rather and his orbit talking to Luna and when he's not he's gone for hours. And when he comes back he doesn't give anyone a proper explanation. He's been limping and sometimes he comes back with some white stuff on his face. I'm scared to know what he's doing. I think I know what but I don't want to accept it.

And also Earth's been ignoring all of the other planets because they all took his side and tries to make her accept their relationship Earth usually says nothing and just walks away and ignores whoever tries to convince him to talk to Mercury or Venus.

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