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Venus pov.

A month has gone by since me and Earth broke up. Earth barely talks to the other planets he never even wants to look at me or Mercury. The only planets he ever talked to are Mars and Neptune.

He's been gone for long periods of time sometimes he's just gone for like 7 hours or even 11 hours in total.

Every time I approach him Earth just moves away. I even tried getting the sun to talk to her but Earth still won't tell us what's going on.

Earth pov.

It's about time for me to leave to go see X. I should get going or home make me stay another 4 hours.

quickly start floating to my destination hoping that I won't get stopped by Jupiter or Saturn.

Luckily I managed to slip away without no one noticing I sat in my usual spot and just waited and after about 30 seconds I felt his gravity.

Planet X: hello dear~

Earth: hi...

Planet X: anyways you already know what you have to do~

Earth: fine but please be gentle this time.

Planet X: I'll try.

He picks me up and kisses. After a bit of us making out. He pins me down, looking at me with hunger in his eyes.

I close my eyes preparing what's to come. and not too long I felt something really big and hard inside me. I cried with every thrust. I must have been that because he told me to shut up.

I put my hand to my mouth and just thought of everyone. At least I'm keeping them safe for now.

14 hours later.

Earth: ow...

My legs hurt. I'm wondering why he decided to go later today. I didn't question it and just got up then went back to my orbit.

A few days later I started feeling nauseous the pharmacy then have no more birth control pills. But they did have pregnancy tests.

I got one and the best instructions told me and after about 10 minutes I picked the test up and it was positive. Tears filled my eyes as I saw the two lines.

What was I going to do? How was I going to tell the other planets. How is I going to tell X. What will he do? Will he make me get a abortion or something even worse...

Time skip to the next day.

I have to tell him. God knows what he would do if I told him I was pregnant with his child. I just hope he won't do anything too brutal.

Planet X: dare you are my dear.

Earth: X I have something to tell you.

He looks at me a little surprise knowing that I only call him X when it is serious.

Earth: I'm pregnant...

He looks at me a tiny bit surprised but he gives me a wicked smile.

Earth: why are you smiling like that?

Planet X: because you're carrying my child love.

I was surprised he was happy. I didn't expect him to react like this. But then suddenly I heard something behind me. I turn around and I was shocked when I saw Jupiter and Saturn.

Both of them look terrified. Jupiter look like he was going to kill someone. Saturn look the same but mostly surprise and shock.

Jupiter: I know it. Ask what in the hell are you doing with Earth?

Planet X: what does it look like Jupiter? Because we both know the answer to that.

Jupiter: you bastard.

To be continued

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