The Scan

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Warnings: abuse mentioned.

- 2 weeks later -

- Autumn's point of view -

I'm now 5 and a half weeks into the pregnancy, and to make sure everything is okay, we are going for a scan today.

"My love, I've just phoned marjorie, and she's getting Reeces staff to cover for us." Winter tells me,
"Okay, my sweet! Just coming, " I come out of the bathroom, wiping my mouth with a cloth and head downstairs.

"More morning sickness, my darling?" Winter asked so sweetly,
"Unfortunately, yes, but hopefully today we can get mama some meds to help it." It tell him holding my stomach.

We drive to the hospital and get taken in, we are told it's quite early to hear a heartbeat, but I didn't care about that. With what was done to me as a child, I just wanted to see if the clear blue test was right. All I wanted was a doctor to tell me that I really was pregnant.

"My goodness! You've got a little overachiever in the oven, " the doctor tells us excitedly. A heartbeat. We heard a heartbeat. Apparently, I am 7 weeks, actually, which makes lots of sense.
We got a picture, a little raspberry sized potato covered in black, grey, white wavy lines. There they were, the baby of myself and winter. All I've ever wanted.

- 10 days later -

"Dear Diary,
I'm back and pregnant! I told Reece today. We had a good talk and he is so excited for us and to be an uncle, I know we had our differences but he is going to be the best uncle ever and I love him so much! He even cried today, which is a plus, another thing to bully him for!
I'm going to go now as this baby is making me puke my body weight.
Bye Diary
Autumn K"

- the following day -

"YOUR HAVING A BABY!" Marjorie screamed in excitement, jumping up and down holding Winter's hands.
"WE ARE HAVING A BABY!" Winter joins in. I am feeling super ill at the sight of this... interaction, but Winter made sure I was okay and Marjorie left the room to cry. Winter got back to the baby room, and then a parent came into my office. A nice parent. Her toddler is lovely, and so is the parent. Today, we had a temp in, and the temp needs a new career path. She covered the child's eyes when the kid was struggling to come into nursery. After this temp was dealt with, Marjorie came in and made some comments. I wasn't paying attention as I had a strange feeling in my stomach, and once Marjorie left, what felt like a kick but a bad one come from within. I went to the bathroom and was sick some more, I went home and didn't think much of it as no further pains came about.

The next morning, I awake and go to the loo. As I finish before I flush, I see a red spot within my urine and tell Winter about my concerns. We called in sick again and went to the hospital for a safety scan. This time, no heartbeat was heard...

The next chapter may be hard to read but will come with warnings.
If anyone has gone through this, I am so sorry for you, and you're in my prayers ❤️

I will always love you.. my angel babyWhere stories live. Discover now