Kelsey gets attacked

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Kelsey, a 19-year-old high school track athlete, sprawled out on the cool, damp grass of the park, the moonlight casting a silver sheen over her. Her T-shirt clung to her like a second skin, the fabric slightly damp from her earlier run, while her shorts hugged her thighs snugly, showcasing the toned muscles from countless hours of training. With her well-worn running shoes still laced tight, she breathed heavily, letting the crisp night air fill her lungs as she took a moment to catch her breath.

As she began to stretch, her body moved gracefully, each motion fluid and athletic. She leaned to one side, reaching for her toes, the stretch causing her sides to flare with a ticklish sensation that made her giggle softly to herself. The soft grass beneath her was a stark contrast to the pavement she'd just sprinted on, and the peace of the night wrapped around her like a comforting blanket. Kelsey's stomach tightened as she extended her arms overhead, her abs flexing, a reminder of just how hard she had pushed herself.

Kelsey continued her stretches, blissfully unaware of the figure creeping up behind her. The chill of the night air seemed to fade as she focused on her breathing, her mind clear and relaxed. Just as she leaned forward, reaching for her toes again, she felt an unexpected rush of warmth envelop her. Before she could process what was happening, Gitchy wrapped his arms around her in a tight bear hug, pulling her against him with surprising strength.

Startled, Kelsey let out a surprised squeal, her body instinctively tensing as she twisted to see who had snuck up on her. The vibrant colors of Gitchy's clown costume were a stark contrast against the darkness of the park, his mischievous grin spreading wide as he secured her in his embrace. "Gotcha!" he exclaimed, the playful tone laced with a hint of mischief that sent a shiver down her spine.

Kelsey twisted and turned in his grip, helplessly blurting out pleas as she tried to wriggle free. Gitchy held her tight, his grip firm yet playful, and he couldn't help but chuckle at her spirited attempts to escape. "Hey there! I'm Gitchy, the tickling clown!" he announced, his voice bright and teasing, the words rolling off his tongue like candy. "And I've got a question for you—are you ticklish?"

Kelsey's eyes widened, a mix of disbelief and defiance flashing across her face as she caught her breath. "No way! I'm not ticklish!" she declared, her tone dripping with confidence. She turned her head and shot him a challenging look, trying to project an air of control, but the playful grip around her waist and the anticipation of his next move sent a thrill of uncertainty through her.

Gitchy's grin widened, and with a gleeful chuckle, he declared, "Well, we'll see about that!" Without missing a beat, he shifted his grip, his fingers dancing down to her stomach. Kelsey's laughter erupted immediately, a high-pitched squeal that filled the night air, as his fingers found their mark, the ticklish sensation launching her into a fit of giggles.

"Sthahahahap! Oh my gahahahahahad! Plehehehehese sthahahahap" she gasped between peals of laughter, instinctively trying to twist away from his playful assault. But he was quick, his hands deftly moving along her sides as he zeroed in on her most sensitive spots. The combination of surprise and laughter made her squirm even more, her body reacting to the waves of ticklish sensations that washed over her. As Kelsey continued to squirm in Gitchy's grasp, her shirt rode up, exposing her toned stomach to the cool night air. The sight of her bare skin sent a thrill of excitement through Gitchy, and he couldn't resist the urge to dive right in.

"Oh, look what we have here!" he exclaimed, eyes gleaming with mischief as he zeroed in on her exposed sides and stomach. Before Kelsey could fully process what was happening, Gitchy's fingers were back at it, pressing and poking with playful intensity. The tickling sensation intensified, and Kelsey erupted into another fit of laughter, her body writhing as she tried to twist away from his relentless attack.

"Nohohohoho, noooooo, please!" she squealed, the laughter spilling out uncontrollably as she felt the playful torment of his fingers dancing across her skin. Gitchy was in his element, reveling in the way Kelsey's laughter filled the air, the sound pure and infectious. "You're too ticklish for your own good!" he teased, his fingers moving with a mix of precision and delight, thoroughly enjoying the moment. Each poke sent waves of giggles cascading from her lips, and he couldn't help but smile wider with each reaction he drew from her.

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