One Year Later

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Gitchy, the clown with a wild mane of rainbow hair, sat hunched in the corner of his decrepit circus tent, the faded stripes of red and yellow around him echoing the vibrant life that once thrived within. The tent was in ruins, with tattered fabric hanging like forgotten memories, and the scent of stale popcorn lingered in the air. It had been a year since Sarah and Miranda had bested him, using their quick wits and laughter to turn his tickling game against him, leaving him humiliated and alone. His heart ached for revenge, and he needed a new target, someone unsuspecting enough to fall into his playful trap.

Gitchy leaned over his makeshift table, cluttered with old clown props and crumpled sketches, brainstorming how to find the perfect lady for his tickling escapades. His mind whirred like a carnival ride, bouncing between whimsical ideas and the thrill of the hunt. He needed someone unsuspecting but spirited, someone who would squirm and giggle under his feathered fingers. Maybe a local coffee shop where ladies gathered for their morning lattes, or a park where families played, perfect spots for a playful ambush.

He scratched his head, contemplating the traits of his ideal target. Maybe someone with a contagious laugh, the kind that drew others in. A girl who was quick to smile, with a playful spirit that matched his own, someone who wouldn't just giggle but would get lost in the moment, surrendering to the joy of the tickling. Gitchy imagined her laughter ringing out, filling the air like music, and it fueled his excitement.

Gitchy rubbed his hands together, feeling the familiar tingle of excitement coursing through him as he tapped into his invisibility powers. It had been a while since he'd used them, and the thought of slipping through the shadows undetected sent a rush of adrenaline through his veins. With a flick of his wrist, he shimmered out of sight, the world around him blurring as he became one with the air. He had a new town to explore, and it was ripe for his tickling mischief.

Gitchy The Tickling Clown: The New Saga Where stories live. Discover now