Chapter 3

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Clara sat on the bench under a gigantic tree and surrounded by many varieties of flowers and messy bushes. Evelyn sidled onto the bench next to Clara and propped up one of her feet and turned to face her left. Clara was similarly facing Evelyn, though both her feet were on the ground and intertwined.

"Tell me everything," Clara said, practically demanded, and Evelyn bristled. Seriously, overprotective instincts or not, this type of thing rang so harshly, full of attitude, no one would believe Evelyn that Clara Williams was the one saying it. Her voice was exactly like the cool chill that brushed over Evelyn's bare shoulders, and she hated that she always came so unequipped with stuff to gymnastics.

Her primary concern before gymnastics was always going to be making sure that she hadn't somehow forgotten her grips, not whether she had a jacket or not.

Whatever. Time to answer Miss. Student Council President. Evelyn stared straight into Clara William's blue eyes, a habit that she probably needed to stop and started explaining. "I don't know if you came to that party two months back, Lilith's party, but-"

"Yeah, I know," Clara said, completely interrupting Evelyn. Wow, the attitude level was high right now. Either protective spirit made Clara mean, or she was only an asshole when nobody was watching except inconsequential people like Evelyn Allen. At least it made it easier for Evelyn not want to absolutely sink into beautiful blue eyes. Really, listening skills were hot. Clara should consider developing them, though she probably made up for it with the nice girl attitude she had to literally everyone except Evelyn in school.

Seriously, what the hell had Evelyn done to Clara Williams to get such a drastic reaction? Such a change in personality was honestly unprecedented, and when people saw her, they did tend to be either angry, disappointed for some reason, pitiful, or disapproving as if they had any say in her life. Or they were scared that Evelyn would do something to them, which was seriously wild, because she'd only done shit to people who hurt people she cared about. And assholes in general.

"Okay," Evelyn drawled, telling herself to stop trying to figure out Clara Williams. Maybe she was just... An asshole at home or something. It did not need to matter to Evelyn, who just needed to interact with Clara Williams once more. "Well, I was drunk off my ass, and you better not snitch on me, because there's no way you've never gone to one of the parties and not drunk any alcohol, even if you do try to convince me there's no fucking way I'm gonna believe you. Nuh uh. Anyway, so basically," Evelyn took a breath, firstly to speak more and secondly to shape herself for the nervousness of someone who was extremely embarrassed.

Kissing Cameron might have still made her look back with embarrassment, but Evelyn really wasn't the type to show her flustered self at the thought of kissing the wrong guy. Though perhaps if she was, you know, actually in that situation, things would have been different. "I saw Cam, and he looks a hell lot like Liam, and again- drunk," Evelyn ducked her head. "God, this is embarrassing. We-"

"You kissed Cameron?" Clara Williams finally looked a teensy bit shocked, her mouth slightly ajar. "You better not have been dating Liam at that point. He forgives easily, but I don't." Her premature warning made Evelyn sigh. "And stop adding that you're drunk. I got that the first time you said it."

"Okay, okay, anyway, Liam saw, and no we weren't dating, but um," Evelyn said, like she didn't want to reveal Liam's very real feelings at that time. "So he dropped me off, but he looked kinda pissed, you know, and I was so confused- like me and Liam are besties, and it's not like I ditched him too much at the party. He'd gone off with other friends anyway, but turns out he was actually a little, how to say it, annoyed that I'd kissed Cameron."

Clara had a small smirk on her face. "So that's where he was off the whole day. And why he took so much longer than usual to come back."

Evelyn nodded, though she wasn't really sure what time Liam had reached back. Really, Cameron and Clara were letting themselves connect non-existent dots, and it was kind of hilarious. Good deduction, when the first puzzle piece is actually not meant there. "He came over the next day," Evelyn muttered, "then he kissed me. I was, umm... I've not kissed a lot of people, especially not those I like as much as Liam-"

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