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After the false statement given by gill, th ship is been standing still in the middle waters for almost one hour and whatever gill wanted happened the same.

"Sir there have been an suspicious activity in the international ocean since one and a half hour, which is connecting to new york." The guy sitting on the computer and keeping the eye on things told the chief commissioner. Sara was assisting all the chiefs as she was also a senior.
Chiefs takes the information seriously, he asked the computer guy to find out about the ship but with no luck he says that the ships holds no company or owner name, it's just a black painted ship fully loaded, after listening to this chief's suspicion grows more and commands to fly helicopter to the ships seize whatever or whoever is inside.
For this task, chief selects two of his junior teammates along with Brad. Sara approachs and requests to go with them but the chief declines saying, "you'll be needed somewhere more important than this sara."


"Sir, some helicopters are approaching towards the ship. Is everything alright?" The head of the wage workers asked agent 21 who was with them at the ship.
Agent ran in the outer area of the ship to take a look and just by a look he knows that they are the police helicopters. He panics and shouts to hide all the containers in the basement of the ship but the iron containers were so heavy and large to replace easily. In no time the helicopters were hovering above the ship pointing several guns, next, all the soldiers went down on the ship by the hanging ladder.
"We are from new york police headquarters and have been watching the movements of this ship which are captured as suspicious." Brad announced and asked all the suppliers to kneel down and put their hands behind their heads.
After hearing this, all the workers were astonished and told the police that they are unaware of the goods being supplied and they were only assigned the job of transportation. Meanwhile all this conversation, the police constables went inside and tab across the ship with their search party to investigate and they catch the agent 21 with the arms loaded containers, hiding in the basement of the ship. The police team leaves all the workers as innocent but seized agent along with all the containers.


Agent 21 was brought to the interrogation room back to new York's police headquarters by the polices officers. He was now being interrogated about all the goods being supplied and about the person behind all this.
"Look, I know who's behind all this and whom do you work for so no need to lie and start talking." Chief says to him. Sara and Susan assisted him in the interrogation room and helped equally in it.
"All i can tell you is that those containers have guns, guns more powerful than yours." Agent laughed like a maniac when in no time Susan slapped him so hard that one of his tooth broke and fell on the ground. He groaned in pain when blood dripped down his chin and the drops fell on the table where his hands were handcuffed to the table.


The news was given to jade that their ship with one of their agents has been captured by the police. "how the hell can that happen?" Jade shouts on Max's face, seeking for an answer.
"I....I....jade i...." Max looks at theo, he was so afraid of jade's anger and theo eyes him just to tell him that no matter what he cannot tell the truth.
"I don't know jade. I'm sorry, maybe the ship couldn't make it out of the satelite radar in time and..", max stops in between as jade slams his hands on the table infront, "and?? What do you mean by that huh?? I told you to call them back immediately then how the hell can they be late?" Jade was not going to take it as easily as theo thought he would.
Tony stood there silently and observed the situation and does not utter a word. Three of them remain silent, they were not allowed to talk back to jade in any time which was not normal.
Jade shouts and tell them to leave the room and to leave him alone.

"Sara listen!" , chief said by cornering Sara in the cell where they sat with agent. "We have to release him!" He said.
"Shhh, I'm only telling you about this. Keep it low." He hushed.
"But sir he's on trial. How can we!!". Sara asked as she couldn't understand what chief was trying to exclaim.
"I don't get it. He haven't even spilled anything yet and you're asking me to release him. What is it that you're thinking of?" She says after a pause. The chief looked at her with calm expressions and says, "Come with me".
Then they both head towards the accused and the chief asked Susan to leave the room. She hesitates as she noticed that he did not ask sara but her to leave. She didn't like it pr leave though. And now they were alone in the room with the agent.
"What is now? Huh?? Want to bribe me?? Won't work on me." And he laughs again with so much confidence.
"Look, i don't have know what you're name is but you're girlfriend Camilla, we have found her and captured her as well. I know you have tried hard to hide her somewhere noone could find but you see I'm a chief. I've devoted 12 years in this profession and that's what takes me 1 step ahead of you."
Sara could see tears and horror in agent's eyes, his lips started trembling and he couldn't say a anything except to plead him for leaving her alone. He asked the chief to kill him if he wants but chief declines his offer.
"Now you're going to work for in exchange for your girlfriend."
*What service can we take from him!?" Sara thought.

To be continued...

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