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(Author's Note: I'M SO SORRY THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG!! I have hella important exams i'm panicking chat omg)

This was the day I died. I could smell Tom's urge to tear me apart, to end me. The rasp in his voice as he stared at me as I froze in fear. I couldn't move my feet, but I could feel my nerves and ligaments shaking, trying to escape his deadly gaze.

"Sorry!! I was just-" I started to explain, panicking before Tom grabbed me by the shoulders with his strong, veiny hands and shoved me against the wall, making me squeal in fear.

"I was curious!!!" I screamed.

"CURIOUS OF FUCKING WHAT?! MY PRIVATE GODDAMN LIFE??!" He shouted shaking me slightly in fury.

"No no!! The- uhm the drawer was open I was curious I didn't know it was private I'm sorry I shouldn't have!!!!"

"No shit, Elvira." He said glaring into my eyes, saying my name with disgust. "I gave you my fucking home. All because you were such a lightweight... AND THIS IS HOW YOU FUCKING PAY ME?!! Privacy, Elvira. DO YOU FUCKING GET IT?! Pri-va-cy."

"I'm sorry I get it!!" I squirmed as I tried to get out of his strong grip.

"Say it."

"Huh- what..?" I asked in confusion.

"Pri-va-cy. 2 vowels, 3 syllables. You're a big girl you can fucking say it. Now."

Was this man for real?! I opened my mouth to speak but it felt like my voice box was ripped out of my throat. The only thing I felt was my bottom lip, quivering as I internally tried to say it.


The bones in my legs felt like they were disintegrating from shock, making my body shake even more. He was waiting. And I couldn't do it. It was a fucking word, but suddenly I was mute. All because of him. Tom Kaulitz. He gripped me tighter, waiting for my response.

Privacy. Privacy. Privacy.

"Pri-" I froze for a second. "Privacy.." I mumbled.

"Speak up."

"Privacy!! Jesus I get it okay?!" I yelled.

Julia walked in seeing Tom pin me against the wall aggressively, her face dropping in shock.

"Tom?! God get off the poor girl!! Don't touch a woman like that you creep!!" She shouted pushing Tom off me.

"I- honestly Tom I'm so sorry.." I stuttered looking at the floor in shame. In all fairness, it wasn't a lie. My job was the get intel then eventually kill Tom, but intel wasn't his mom... his vulnerability. My father obviously meant information about KK enterprises, but I just had to fuck up...

"Get out of my fucking house." He stated bluntly.

"Elvira let's go okay..? We were gonna go shopping anyway..." Julia mumbled holding my hand gently and leading me down the stairs and out the front door.

"I honestly swear I didn't-"

"I know you didn't mean it... but Tom's mom hasn't been in a good place since Hans-"

"Hans?" I questioned the unfamiliar name.

"Tom's father, after he vanished I don't think anyone from the Kaulitz family was ever the same..." She replied walking down the sidewalk next to me.

"What happened to him?"

"No one knows. Tom was there when everything happened apparently, but he was so traumatized by it he can't even remember..."

God no wonder he was protective of his family...

It must've been so hard for him. He was there when something so horrific happened to his own father to make him disappear. But he couldn't even remember, the guilt he must've felt...

"Anyways, the point is... Tom's not really the type of person to open up. Unless he truely cares about you, and trusts you with his life basically." She slightly smiled at me, comforting my guilt, as she walked over to the bus stop.

"Uhh the bus?? Don't you have a car..?" I asked laughing nervously.

"Nah.. I can't drive yet. It's just a bus though it won't kill you!!" She giggled.

Julia. Yes it will. At least 20 people in one vehicle. Elderly people rotting right next to you, screaming babies. At least 5 people with fucking rabies or something...

"Wait have you actually been on a bus??" She asked a bit more serious and shocked.


"Don't take this the wrong way... but you aren't gonna be exactly rich if you're a bartender. Not in a bad way like same, but how do you travel??" She asked confused.

Shit. Think quickly Elvira...

"Normally I just cycle... or yes maybe the odd day I would pay for a taxi..." I laughed slightly.

"You're acting like busses will kill you..." She chuckled as the bus stopped in front of us.

She stepped up and paid and I reluctantly stepped on with her. I was so used to getting taxis alone... but busses weren't too bad after all. Everyone was quite quiet and respectful, more than I expected to be honest...

The rest of the day we were laughing, chatting shopping and I got to know Julia more. I didn't have many friends to be honest, and I felt I finally found someone I could talk to. She was super pretty and genuinely sweet too, basically a refreshment compared to my father, who was basically the only person I really knew.

After hours and hours, our social battery ran out and we were exhausted. Too exhausted to even get on the bus, Julia called Georg and he was happy to take us home.

"You girls had fun??" Georg asked, his eyes on the road.

"Yup!! We spent a lot but for good reason!!!" Julia laughed.

Buzz. Huh? My phone?

I looked at my phone as saw the notification on my lock screen. My heart stopped.

"Where the fuck are you."

My dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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