- A seat at the table -

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"How do you know I'm here for an interview? If this is some kind of joke, now is not the time," I snapped, glaring down at him.

"Joke?" He chuckled softly, a smug, infuriating sound. "No, not at all. You see, I'm the one interviewing you."

My stomach dropped. No way. This had to be fake. It was like something out of a nightmare. Honestly, being kidnapped would've been better than this. I stared at him, speechless, while he waited for my response. What did he expect me to say?

"Sit down. I've got other meetings to attend," he ordered, like I was some stray dog he was tolerating.

Against my better judgment, I sat down, moving cautiously, though every fiber of my being screamed to leave. I should have bolted while I had the chance. But part of me was curious—morbidly curious—about why he would offer me this job, of all people.

"I'm sure you realize this is... an unusual situation," he said, a smirk playing on his lips. "As much as I'd prefer you notwork for me—" I rolled my eyes, already regretting sitting down.

He cleared his throat, clearly enjoying this power trip. "I'm offering you a job because, well, it's partly my fault you lost your last one."

He leaned in, his voice lowering. "No offense, but with that résumé, no one was going to hire you anyway. So, pay attention."

I stared at him, disbelief tightening in my chest. He couldn't be serious right now.

I leaned back, creating space between us as he inched closer. "It's unfortunate, really. I need someone for this position immediately, and no one else is prepared to take it on. The pay is decent, and the contract lasts a year and a half. After that, I'll have found someone more qualified to replace you."

The nerve of this man. He was already talking about replacing me, and I hadn't even accepted the job yet. This whole situation felt surreal. Too convenient. Too easy. There had to be a catch.

Was he trying to punish me by offering me the most miserable job on the planet? Maybe that's why no one else wanted it. He'd love nothing more than to see me struggle, to get his revenge for that event I ruined. This wasn't an opportunity—it was a setup. He was bored, and I was his next twisted game.

if he wants fun? I will give him fun. il play his game with a few of my own perks added to it, im about to make his life hell. plus what have I got to loose? a job? obviously not.

I smiled politely trying to keep my body language relaxed. "il take it when do I start".

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