- Blank space -

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Mia's POV

I rolled over in bed, my body heavy and sluggish. The familiar surroundings of my room came into focus: framed pictures on the walls, neat rows of bookshelves, and the full-length mirror reflecting the dim morning light. Everything looked as it should, but something felt off. There was a subtle wrongness to it all, like a picture hanging just slightly askew.

Sitting up, I rubbed my temples, trying to fight through the fog in my mind. What did I do last night? I reached for fragments of memory, but they slipped through my fingers like sand. The last clear thing I could remember was—

Oh, shit.

Suddenly, everything came rushing back. The memories slammed into me, one after the other: getting fired from my job, walking in on Isaac with that woman in our bed, then going to Megan's place... After that, things were a blur—a hazy, alcohol-soaked fog I couldn't quite penetrate. I remember drinks. Lots of drinks. But how did I get home? If I was at Megan's, how did I end up here? She doesn't even drive. And where the hell is Isaac?

Panic shot through me, my heart hammering against my ribcage as questions rattled around my brain. What the hell happened last night?

I stumbled out of bed, my legs shaky beneath me, and caught my reflection in the mirror. My complexion was as confused as I felt: lipstick smeared across my lips, mascara streaked down my cheeks like I'd been crying—was I crying?—and I was dressed in clothes that definitely weren't mine.

Scanning the room, I spotted a note on the nightstand, folded neatly next to my phone. My stomach twisted as I reached for it, dread coiling tight in my chest.

I took care of Isaac and that woman for you, so don't expect to see them again. (No, they're not dead.) —A.

A? Who the hell is A? My pulse quickened, the paper shaking slightly in my hand. Whoever it was, they knew where I lived, knew what had happened. Oh no, no, no. How drunk was I? Drunk enough to blurt out my address to some stranger?

I dashed to the closet, fumbling with the combination to the small safe hidden in the back. My hands trembled as I yanked it open, my breath catching until I saw the cash and my passport were still there, untouched. Relief washed over me, but it was fleeting. There was still too much I didn't know.

Throwing myself back onto the bed, I stared up at the ceiling, my mind spinning. No job. No boyfriend. And now Andrew—of all people—decides to rise from the dead and make my life a living hell. Just what I needed.

I dragged myself out of bed and shuffled into the living room, sinking into the couch. I'd been through worse, right? I could handle this. A more mature, level-headed version of me could get through it. I grabbed my laptop and opened it, trying to focus on something—anything—other than the chaos swirling in my head.

The screen flickered to life, and I typed in my password. Isaac's birthday. Not anymore. With a few clicks, I changed it, the finality of it sinking in like a lead weight in my stomach.

Might as well start looking for jobs, I thought bitterly. Otherwise, I'd be selling this apartment and everything in it by the end of the month. I opened my email, bracing for the barrage of clutter. Newsletters, junk subscriptions, and a slew of "We regret to inform you" rejections I'd been avoiding for weeks. Nothing new.

Except one.

My eyes snagged on the subject line: Job Opportunity—Immediate Offer.

I stared at it for a moment, frozen in disbelief. My mind raced. Was this linked to last night? Had I drunkenly begged someone for a job? Or was this some scam waiting to drain my bank account? Because of course, that's exactly what I'd need right now.

I clicked on it, scanning the content with a mixture of suspicion and hope. The email was oddly professional, coming from a company I'd never heard of. No job title, no company name. Just an invitation cloaked in mystery.

Dear Mia Ebsworth, it began, After reviewing your qualifications, we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected along with a small group of candidates to join our company. Full details cannot be disclosed until you confirm your interest, but we can offer an immediate start. Please respond within 24 hours.

What the hell? My initial excitement fizzled into uncertainty. No job title? No information? Something about it felt... off. Too good to be true, too vague to be real. And yet, a part of me wanted to believe it. What if this is the breakthrough I need? What if this cryptic email was the universe throwing me a lifeline, even if it was hidden behind a layer of secrecy?

I fumbled for my phone and called Megan, spamming her number until she finally picked up. Her voice was groggy, and she groaned as she answered.

"Mia, it's 7 a.m. I'm dying here—my head is pounding."

"I know, but listen." I hesitated, trying to form coherent thoughts through the whirlwind in my head. "Do you remember how I got fired yesterday?"

"Unfortunately," she mumbled.

"Well, I got this weird email offering me a job. No company name, no job title, nothing. But it feels... important. Or maybe it's a scam. I don't know. What do you think? Should I take the risk?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, long enough that I thought she might've fallen back asleep.

"Yes," she said finally, her voice clearer now. "Absolutely take it. It's a fantastic idea. You'd be an idiot if you didn't. And really, what's the worst that could happen?"

What's the worst that could happen?

"Okay," I muttered, still unsure but feeling a little braver with her words echoing in my head. "Thanks, Megan."

I hung up and stared at my screen, fingers hovering over the keyboard. Every word I typed felt like a step deeper into the unknown. But maybe this was it—maybe this was the thing I needed. A fresh start, hidden behind a layer of risk and mystery.

With a deep breath, I hit send. Whatever was coming, I'd face it. Ready or not.

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