Chapter 21: The Meeting in the Shadows

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Wolfe's mansion felt colder than usual. With no missions to focus on, time dragged as the days blurred into one another. Wolfe's order to keep her grounded had initially angered her, but the persistent ache in her side reminded her of why. She wasn't fully recovered, and her instincts had dulled—she could feel it. But none of that stopped her from itching for action, from wanting to break free of the invisible chains Wolfe had tightened around her.

The Ravens hovered, their sharp eyes tracking her every movement, and though they blended into the shadows, she could feel them. Watching. Reporting. It was suffocating. She knew Wolfe's intentions—keeping her safe, perhaps. Or maybe just ensuring she didn't make another costly mistake. Either way, she was on a tight leash. But for now, that was fine.

Because tonight, she had something else in mind.

The Phantom—Reid. His offer had lingered in her thoughts like a whisper. It wasn't that she'd forgotten his words—how could she? No one had offered her a way out, a chance at something else. But to even consider it? That was another matter.

And yet, here she was. Quietly slipping out from under Wolfe's ever-watchful eye. She'd chosen tonight for a reason—no missions, no alerts, just a break in her routines that the Ravens wouldn't question. She knew the paths to avoid being detected. Years of being the Scarlet Viper had taught her how to slither away unseen.

She tucked the hood of her jacket up, slipping through the gates and out into the city streets. Tonight, she was answering him as she glanced again to a pager with a cryptic message. a message meant only for her emerald green eyes.

In a quiet, secluded part of town, Reid—or Rex, as only his closest allies called him—sat perched atop one of his usual haunts. His eyes scanned the alley below, taking in the shadows that pooled beneath the streetlights. It was the kind of place no one paid attention to, perfect for a private meeting.

His intel had told him she'd be making a move tonight. He'd learned a lot about Sienna Blake—or Red, as he had come to call her—over the past few days, though not nearly enough to satiate his curiosity. Her movements had been quiet, too quiet, and he knew something was brewing.

But tonight wasn't about that. Tonight was about the offer he'd made—the life he'd dangled in front of her. He had no idea if she would come. Sienna wasn't the kind of woman to be led easily; she followed her own code. That was part of what made her so intriguing to him.

But the Phantom didn't wait idly. He trusted his gut, and his gut said she was coming.

And sure enough, a faint movement at the end of the alley caught his attention. A shadow that moved with purpose, fluid and deliberate. Red.

He smirked to himself, already feeling the energy shift between them before she even spoke. She was fire and ice all at once, and he could feel it in the way she approached.

Sienna stopped just out of the streetlight's reach, her silhouette barely visible beneath the hood of her jacket. She didn't look up, but he knew she sensed him there.

"Didn't think you'd show up," Rex said, his voice low but carrying through the stillness of the night.

Sienna raised her head just slightly, her fiery hair catching the dim light. "Had to make sure you weren't leading me into another trap," she replied, her voice cool, but he could hear the challenge beneath it.

Reid jumped down from his perch, landing in front of her with a smooth, quiet thud. His silver eyes gleamed in the dark as he took in the sight of her. "And here I was, thinking you trusted me after last time," he teased, his grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

She crossed her arms, standing her ground, even as the tension between them built. "Trust? You must be mistaking me for someone else," she shot back, though the playful glint in her eyes betrayed her words.

Rex stepped closer, invading her space just enough to make her tilt her chin up to meet his gaze. "So, Red," he said, his voice dropping to a lower register, "What's it gonna be? You came all the way out here for a reason. I'm guessing it wasn't just for the view."

Sienna's heart raced, though she hid it well. He was too close, too sharp, and the chemistry between them was impossible to ignore. She hated that he knew exactly how to get under her skin.

She uncrossed her arms slowly. "You made me an offer," she said, her voice steady, but there was something more in her eyes now. "I'm here to give you my answer."

Reid didn't move. He held her gaze, the intensity between them thick enough to cut. "And?"

Sienna stepped even closer, her lips twitching into a small, almost dangerous smile. "I'm not walking away from my life, not yet. But... I'll keep you in mind."

There it was—the fire he'd seen in her from the start. He couldn't help but smirk in response. "You're a hard one to convince, Red."

"You have no idea," she murmured, eyes glinting with amusement.

The silence stretched between them, filled with unspoken challenges and promises neither was willing to make just yet. Finally, Reid let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. "You really know how to keep a guy on his toes."

"Wouldn't want you getting too comfortable," Sienna quipped, before turning to leave.

But just as she moved to step away, Rex reached out, his hand gently grabbing her wrist. She froze, surprised by the contact, but didn't pull away.

"Red," he said, his voice softer now, more serious. "You ever need to get away from it all... you know where to find me."

Sienna's pulse quickened, but she simply nodded, her voice quiet when she finally responded. "I know."

And with that, she slipped out of his grasp and back into the shadows, leaving Rex standing alone in the alley, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

She hadn't said yes. But she hadn't said no, either.

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