Secret Daughter

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Copyright © 2011 Tracy Nguyen

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Chapter One Birth of the Third Child

In the year 2000, the King of England signed a decree, allowing only two children per household, after the year 2001 will this decree come into effect. At that time Mary Hughes was a mother of two handsome twin boys. She looked at the news and disapproved. All those children will either be killed for something that wasn't their fault, or sent to a nearby orphanage. As she was watching her two sons running around in the background she felt queasy.

"Darling, are you okay? You look pale."

She looked up to her husband, the love of her life. How did she ever become so lucky to snatch a duke when she was just a commoner? She nodded.

" Yeah, I think I'm fine, I just feel a bit queasy, do you mind watching Alexander and Bradley?"

He nodded, and helped her up. When she stood on her own two feet, she rushed to the bathroom and had her head in the toilet bowl emptying the contents in her stomach into it. As she finished, she leaned against the kitchen counter.

why am I becoming sick?

She thought to herself. Her eyes widened as she rushed into the kitchen and scrambled around to look for the calender. It read Sunday May 18th.

"Oh no."

Her husband sitting on the floor by the sliding doors looked up at her with a questioning look.

"What's wrong darling?"

She looked at him, her face turning green.

"I'm three weeks late on my period."

She looked at him, and saw his face slowly became drained of blood and his face became pale.

"I think I'm pregnant."

With that, her husband passed out.

She smiled to herself, her husband was always like that. Always acted so tough and superior, but when it came to becoming pregnant and giving birth, he always fainted.

The only thing she was worrying about was that the child was going to be born in the year of 2001, the year where only two children were allowed per household. But since her husband was the duke, he was able to pull some strings right? There was no way she was giving up this child, regardless of the law or not.

She sat there pondering as she unconsciously rubbed her belly.

[Nine months later]

"Michael! My water BROKE" she screamed on the top of her lungs as one of her hand clutched the kitchen counter and the other one held tightly on her bulging stomach.

Michael ran into his bedroom and grabbed the neccesary clothing and materials he needed to get her to his friend's house. He rushed into the playroom and grabbed his two sons and ran to the car shoving them in and the rest of the stuff he had in his hands.

He ran back into the house towards the kitchen and carried her out bridal style as she clutched his shoulders for dear life.

"Hang in there, we'll see the Robinsons soon."

The Robinsons were Michael's childhood and best friend's house. His best friend was a doctor and agreed happily when he told them about the situation.

As he raced down the street as fast as he could and pulled into his friend's estate.

Christian's wife came out with a wheel chair and pushed Mary into the estate while Michael got his two sons out and ran in after her.

As he put his two sons in the playroom, he ran into the room his wife was going to be giving birth.

As he came into the situation, his wife was screaming on top of her lungs, cursing at her husband.

"Michael! I'm going to Flipping kill you! No matter how much I love you this pain you're making me go through is UNBEARABLE! Don't look at me like that ! AHHHH"

Michael felt nervous inside. He didn't know what to do, but he went over to his wife, the love of his life and kissed her temple and held her hand.

"It's okay darling, you can do this."

She nodded and screamed on top of her lungs once again and grabbed onto his hand for dear life almost breaking it.

Three hours and 23 minutes pass when he hears the wail of a baby.

"Congratulations Mike, it's a girl."

Christian handed him a small, yet beautiful baby girl and he cradled her as if he was afraid she might fall.

He lowered his body, and let his wife hold their newborn daughter. His wife smiled an enthusiastic smile as sweat dripped from her forehead down her cheek.

"She's beautiful" His wife said as she took her index finger and glided it carefully down the newborn baby's cheek.

He looked down at his wife and his newborn daughter

"What do you want to name her darling?" He asked.

She looked up at her husband lovingly, their love bursting out in waves all around them as they celebrate valentines day with their new born child.

"What about Roslyn?" Her husband suggested.

"Roslyn, I like that. It's sweet, simple, just like how our baby girl is going to be."

The two couple were soon left alone with the new addition of the family as Christian went into his study to write down when and where the child was born, including the time just in case for future references.

He got up from his leather chair and went over to the safe that he kept hidden behind the bookshelf, and placed the card in there, for safe keeping.


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