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PROTAG HAS HAD A crush on you practically since his first day at the office. he wasn't one to believe in love at first sight, but he'd make an exception for you.

as his shift got closer to its end, he stared down at the two movie tickets in his hand. he had planned to ask you out today; protag already thought about what he would say to you. he couldn't think of any way this could go wrong!

protag suddenly felt a presence behind him. he turned around, noticing his coworker. "hey buddy~!" bryce greeted, his usual smile on his face. "are those tickets for us?" protag rubbed the back of his neck. "actually, they're for-" "unfortunately, i won't be available! i'll be out on a date!" he interrupted, proud of himself.

"huh? with who?" protag asked curiously. "y/n l/n, of course. i doubt i'd even have to ask! i'm just THAT charming" he answered. protag rose an eyebrow. "you haven't even asked them yet?" "like i said, i don't need to!" bryce repeated. protag only nodded, still not quite understanding his coworker's logic.


bryce and protag entered the elevator. no way he could ask you out with bryce around; he would screw everything up. just as he went to push the lobby button, a voice called out.

"hold the elevator!" both guys looked up, watching as you quickly entered the elevator just as the doors were closing. "thanks guys!" you said, smiling happily. they were both silent, exchanging glances.

naturally, bryce was the first to speak up. "of course, y/n! lobby?" he spoke as he moved protag aside to make room beside him. "yeah! it is the end of my shift, after all" you replied.

the elevator began to move down as bryce began to boast about his various accolades to you. protag didn't even have a chance to join the conversation! not to mention, you seemed really impressed too..

"by the way, what's your name?" you spoke as you looked at protag, making him perk up. "i've seen you around the office, but never got to properly introduce myself. i'm y/n l/n!" you said happily. "i've heard a lot about you from other employees. i'm-"

the elevator suddenly stopped, its lights starting to flicker. "huh?" you looked up at the floor number. "the elevator might be stuck..we stopped on floor 8" you pointed out. "what're the chances.." protag mutters to himself. he just had to be stuck with his crush AND the coworker that's trying to hit on said crush.

"maybe we could try calling for help?" he suggested as he walked over to a speaker. "great idea, pal! anyways, there's this restaurant.." bryce said, quickly turning to you. protag looked down. definitely no chance now..

the speaker didn't work, as most people have left for the day. "dammit.." he muttered as he looked back to you and bryce. "maybe we should try opening the doors?" you suggested. "that could work!" "wow, guess you're not just a pretty face, hm~?" bryce flirted, a blush dusting your cheeks.

"usually the doors open once we arrive on the floor. maybe we can brute force it?" protag said. "i got this!" bryce quickly ran up to the doors, tossing his suit jacket onto protag's head. he then grabbed onto both sides of the door and tried to pull them apart.

you and protag watched as bryce struggled. "bryce.." "no, i got this, gorgeous!" he said, beads of sweat rolling down his face as he continued to try. "uhm, bryce?" protag spoke.

《 STUDIO INVESTIGRAVE ONESHOTS 》Where stories live. Discover now