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I forgive myself for past mistakes.
I release guilt and embrace personal growth.
I am deserving of forgiveness and inner peace.
I let go of regret and choose to move forward.
I am human, and I allow myself to learn from my errors.
I forgive myself for not being perfect.
I release the weight of my past and focus on my future.
I choose to move forward with grace and acceptance.
I honor the lessons from my past and let go of the pain.
I am free to create a new beginning.
I forgive myself for holding on to negativity.
I release shame and embrace love.
I acknowledge my mistakes and choose to move forward.
I am worthy of a fresh start.
I am at peace with my past.
I release all self-blame and embrace compassion.
I am kind to myself, even when I fall short.
I forgive myself for not knowing better at the time.
I choose to grow from my experiences.
I am worthy of second chances.
I release the need to be hard on myself.
I forgive myself for not living up to unrealistic expectations.
I give myself permission to move forward without hesitation.
I honor my journey, with all its ups and downs.
I accept the things I cannot change and focus on what I can.
I forgive myself for dwelling on the past.
I let go of what no longer serves me.
I am healing with every passing day.
I release the fear of making mistakes again.
I choose self-forgiveness as an act of self-love.
I release the need for perfection and embrace growth.
I am free to move on from the past.
I let go of the burdens I've carried for too long.
I choose to love myself, even in my imperfection.
I forgive myself for being too hard on myself.
I release resentment towards myself and others.
I am learning from my past without dwelling in it.
I am worthy of the peace that comes with forgiveness.
I accept myself, flaws and all.
I release regret and focus on growth.
I forgive myself for all the times I fell short.
I am not defined by my mistakes.
I trust in my ability to move forward.
I am deserving of healing and moving on.
I forgive myself for holding on to pain for too long.
I am worthy of a life free from past burdens.
I am no longer tied to my mistakes.
I forgive myself and embrace my future.
I choose to heal and move forward.
I release any regret that has weighed me down.
I am in control of my future, not my past.
I forgive myself for not knowing better at the time.
I am compassionate with myself as I heal.
I am worthy of the freedom that comes with letting go.
I am capable of moving forward with love and strength.
I forgive myself for missed opportunities.
I let go of the past and embrace my future with hope.
I accept my past and allow myself to grow from it.
I forgive myself for all the ways I’ve hurt myself.
I release all anger and frustration towards myself.
I allow myself to heal and move on.
I choose to live in the present moment.
I forgive myself for holding on to pain.
I am stronger because of my past, not in spite of it.
I let go of self-judgment and embrace self-compassion.
I am worthy of peace and happiness.
I release the chains of guilt and regret.
I am at peace with my choices and where they’ve led me.
I trust the process of healing and moving on.
I am free from the prison of past mistakes.
I forgive myself and choose to move forward with joy.
I trust myself to make better choices in the future.
I release the pain that has held me back.
I forgive myself and accept the love I deserve.
I choose to focus on the positive changes I’m making.
I am worthy of the freedom that comes with forgiveness.
I release the past and welcome the future with open arms.
I forgive myself for letting fear control me.
I am growing stronger every day.
I release the need to dwell on past mistakes.
I am capable of moving forward with grace and confidence.
I choose to let go of self-blame and embrace self-love.
I forgive myself for the things I didn’t know.
I am in control of my healing and my future.
I release the grip of guilt and embrace the lightness of forgiveness.
I forgive myself for any pain I’ve caused others and myself.
I am learning to love and forgive myself more each day.
I release the need to hold on to past hurts.
I choose peace over self-criticism.
I am worthy of a life filled with love and joy.
I trust myself to continue growing and healing.
I forgive myself and choose to live fully in the present.
I release any self-punishment and embrace self-acceptance.
I choose to be kind to myself in all that I do.
I am at peace with my journey and where it’s taking me.

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