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I am open to exploring the astral realm
I trust my ability to travel beyond the physical plane
I am safe and protected during my astral journeys
I release any fear of leaving my body
My consciousness is free to explore the universe
I am in control of my astral experiences
I trust my soul to guide me in the astral plane
I am connected to the higher dimensions
I easily separate my spirit from my body
I embrace the freedom of astral projection
My mind is calm and clear for astral travel
I am attuned to the vibrations of the astral world
I trust the process of astral projection
I move effortlessly between dimensions
I am a skilled traveler in the astral realm
I explore the astral plane with confidence and ease
I trust my ability to return safely from every journey
My soul is free to experience higher realms
I am aligned with the energy of astral projection
I easily access altered states of consciousness
I am guided by my higher self during my astral travels
I let go of all physical attachments during astral projection
My mind and body are ready for the astral journey
I embrace the power of my consciousness to transcend
I am open to the wisdom of the astral plane
I project my consciousness with clarity and intention
I trust the flow of energy that guides me in the astral realm
I am one with the universe during astral travel
I enter the astral world with peace and purpose
My spirit is free to explore beyond the physical world
I embrace the limitless possibilities of the astral plane
I move through dimensions with grace and ease
I trust my higher consciousness to navigate the astral world
I am in tune with the frequency of astral projection
I release any fear of the unknown and embrace exploration
I am an astral traveler, capable and empowered
I trust my ability to expand my awareness beyond my body
I am a conscious explorer of the universe
I easily access the astral plane in deep relaxation
I am open to the wisdom and knowledge of the astral realms
I explore the astral world with courage and clarity
My spirit moves freely through the astral dimensions
I trust the protection of my spiritual guides during astral projection
I embrace my journey into the astral world
I trust the natural flow of my astral experiences
My consciousness expands beyond the limits of the physical world
I am calm, focused, and prepared for astral travel
I align with the energy of the astral plane effortlessly
I am connected to the astral realm through my higher self
I trust my inner wisdom to guide my astral journeys
I release all doubts and fears about astral projection
I enter the astral realm with a clear and open mind
I am a confident and capable astral traveler
I experience peace and tranquility in the astral world
I trust my ability to return safely to my body after every journey
I embrace the freedom of leaving my physical body
I project my consciousness with ease and focus
I trust the flow of my astral experiences
I see beyond the physical and explore the infinite
I release all tension and open myself to astral travel
I am aligned with the energy of higher dimensions
I trust my spiritual instincts during my astral journeys
I allow my consciousness to expand freely
I navigate the astral plane with clarity and purpose
I trust my spirit to guide me on my astral travels
I am protected and secure during my out-of-body experiences
I embrace the mystery and beauty of the astral world
I project my soul with confidence and intention
I am a skilled and experienced astral traveler
I trust the guidance of my higher self during my astral adventures
I am connected to the infinite wisdom of the astral plane
I explore the cosmos with an open heart and mind
I trust the energy that surrounds me during astral projection
I am calm, centered, and in control of my astral journeys
I release any attachments to the physical world during astral travel
I trust my intuition to guide me safely through the astral realm
I am aligned with the frequency of the astral dimension
I experience the astral plane with peace and clarity
I project my consciousness effortlessly and with purpose
I trust my ability to explore the astral world with ease
I am open to the infinite possibilities of astral travel
I embrace the spiritual growth that comes from astral projection
I navigate the astral realm with wisdom and clarity
I am a conscious traveler in the astral world
I trust the process of astral projection and release all fear
I experience freedom and expansion in the astral plane
I trust my higher self to protect and guide me during astral travel
I project my soul with love, confidence, and grace
I am open to exploring the mysteries of the universe through astral projection

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