Hit em where they live

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Sandra can be seen doing the dishes unaware that she was being watched. She turns on the tap as a laser points at her forehead. sevenseven sat inside a tree aiming his weapons at Sandra he prepares to fire when a bunch of vines rise up behind him and wrap around his neck pulling him from the tree. He was then slammed into the ground and thrown through the wooden fence.

 He was then slammed into the ground and thrown through the wooden fence

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Max: Y/n.

Forestfire: don't worry I got him.

Sevenseven flew into the air into the air and began firing lasers down at them. Max quickly takes cover behind a tree and Y/n just stood there allowing the lasers to fly right through him.

Max: Y/n can you shoot him down?

Forestfire: I've got a better idea

Y/n creates two vine whips and threw them at sevenseven. The vines wrap around his legs and Y/n began swinging him around. He then pulls sevenseven out of the air slamming him down onto a parked car. Max walks over to Y/n and Pat's him on the shoulder.

Max: Thanks for coming but I could have handled that.

Forestfire: I had no doubt but it never hurts to have a little bit of backup. You taught me that after all.

Max: how'd you know.

Y/n points at a sprinkler sticking out of the ground.

Max: sprinkler?

Forestfire: not a sprinkler motion detector alerts me when someone who isn't registered in the system steps on the property. Had it disguised a sprinkler to hide it in plain sight.

Max: Smart, when did you have it installed?

Forestfire: a few weeks back had to make sure nobody tried anything.

Y/n looks back at sevenseven and sees that he's not longer there.

Forestfire: I think it would be best if aunt sandra and uncle Carl stayed at my house for a while.

Max: We can't let her know that someone's out to get her.

Forestfire: I know

Max: we need to stop this Insanity before it's too late.

Forestfire: I promise Max nothing is going to happen to them, I swear I'll protect them even if I have to start killing again.

Max places a hand on his shoulder.

Max: I know you will Y/n. How are you going to convince them?

Forestfire: I got that covered

Carl: No.

Y/n: come on it'll be a good experience for you.

Carl: We're not going to leave the comfort of our home just to come to your house for a few weeks.

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