3: -Until Everyone Leaves

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Soon enough, breakfast is over.

Sallys car arrives at Half Blood Hill. Piper and Jason get their boxes and thank my mum for getting it. Me, Annabeth, and Leo say our goodbyes again, and get in the car.

We arrive at our apartment and I realise that there is a problem.

Mum thinks we take the elevator like normal people. She pulls into the carpark, and me and Annabeth get out, newly scared for our lives.


I feel stupid.

Of course, being a daughter of Athena doesn't mean I'm immune to stupid decisions. I've lost my fair share of bets, and I still do things that make no sense sometimes.

But seriously, I should have seen this coming.

Me, Percy, and Leo hang back as Sally pushes the button.

''Thought that elevator was broken? 'Leo whispers, referencing to the time he had come and went up the fire escape after returning from Indiana.

I roll my eyes. ''Oh come on Valdez, that was a lie and you knew it''

Leo smirks. I don't know what we can do though. There is only one elevator, and it is not broken.

Suddenly, I have an idea.

''Hey, Sally. I don't think we would all be able to fit, so maybe you can go up with the cases. Me, Percy, and Leo can wait here and go up after you!'' I call out.

Sally nods, and we hand her the suitcases.

She disappears into the elevator, and the doors close behind her.

I glance at the boys.

''Leo, whatever happens in this elevator, keep it secret. Don't swear it, but just...try. Me and Percy will do our best, but we just haven't been in one for a while, you know...''

Leo nods. The elevator dings, and we step inside.

''Oh gods, I already feel nauseous'' Percy whispers to me.

I nod.

The ride is tortuous. I feel bad for Leo- it must be really awkward to see two of your friends having a panic attack.

I try not to scream, but I probably do. I can feel myself collapsing, becoming a small human ball on the elevator floor. My face is soaked in tears and I hate myself for being so fragile like this.

Finally, we arrive on the eighth floor. I come to my senses when Leo is crouched infront of my face.

''Hey...uh, Annabeth....so we arrived at your floor, but we kinda need to get out now....''

I nod, and try to stand up. My left ankle gives way beneath me. Given that it's the one I broke, I just limp out using the handrail that was probably meant for wheelchair users in their nineties, not eighteen year olds having panic attacks.

Leo talks to Percy, and our little trio ends up sitting in a triangular formation outside the lifts.

''Sorry Leo'' I manage to say.

Leo shrugs. ''don't worry, honestly'' I nod.

''We don't look too bad, do we?''

Leo shrugs.

We stand up, and walk to the apartment. Sally glances at us in concern. Thankfully Leo has an excuse ready.

''hey Mrs Jackson. The elevator broke down for a minute or so and it was kinds scary. We're alright though''

Sally nods, and we head to our room.

Thankfully, Leo doesn't mention anything about the elevator, and we get on our skateboards to explore New York.

We did show him the city before Piper and the Romans came, but he was so hyped for the arrival of Jason and Piper that it was impossible for us to do anything. Plus, we were (looking back) cranky and sleep deprived.

So this time, we just take the train down to the skatepark. It's a good way for us to semi-forget the Elevator Incident, and a good way for Leo to get his energy out after being forced through a half-hour drive.

Trust us, thirty minutes might not seem like a lot, but Leo is so naturally ADHD it makes me wonder how he didn't miss his flight back to New York, let alone sit three hours on the plane.

He gets his energy out, doing things that would have took him to hospital if it wasn't for the natural strength we have as demigods. Being an absolute idiot who has to one-up other idiots, Percy joins, and I decide to pull out some cool tricks that won't take me to hospital with as much brain damage as those two.

Me and Percy show Leo some cool places around New York, although we ultimately just end up skating around the streets with people telling us that ''Oi! I'm walking here!''

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